
The NYPD is still rounding up Proud Boys over violent Manhattan brawl

New York City police have nabbed three more far-right instigators in connection with the violent brawl on the Upper East side of Manhattan earlier this month.

New York City police have nabbed three more far-right instigators in connection with the violent brawl on the Upper East side of Manhattan earlier this month. That brings the total number of arrests to five.

Police said Monday that they arrested Douglas Lennan, 40 and Maxwell Hare, 26, both of whom are reportedly part of the fascist street gang Proud Boys. Officers also arrested Irvin Antillon, 41, a member of the group Battalion 49, a Latino skinhead group. Antillon is also a member of the Fraternal Order of the Alt-Knights, which is affiliated with the Proud Boys, and attended the violent Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville in Aug. 2017.

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All three were slapped with assault and riot charges. Hare was hit with additional charges of gang assault and criminal possession of a weapon.

Last week, NYPD officers arrested Geoffrey Young, 38, nd John Kinsman, 39, both of whom are also Proud Boys.

Police are still seeking at least three more Proud Boys in connection with the violent street brawls on Oct. 12, which followed a speaking appearance by the group’s founder Gavin McInnes at the Metropolitan Republican Club.

A few dozen Proud Boys, many clad in MAGA hats and their trademark Fred Perry black-and-yellow polo shirts, roamed the Upper East Side after the event shouting homophobic slurs and chanting “I like beer” in an apparent reference to the line of defense offered by Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh against allegations of binge drinking related to sexual assault.

Video showed Proud Boys violently beating and kicking protesters. One can be heard on a video bragging about “kicking a foreigner.”

McInnes told the New York Times on Friday that he was making arrangements for his members who were wanted by the NYPD to surrender. The Times also reported that the NYPD had also opened a more general investigation into the Proud Boys’ activities.

Police arrested three antifascist protesters during the Oct. 12 melee but did not arrest any Proud Boys.

Disclosure: The Proud Boys organization was founded by Gavin McInnes, a co-founder of VICE Media. McInnes left VICE in 2008 and has not been involved in the company since.

Cover image: Screenshot of security footage obtained by the NYPD, which shows Oct. 12 Proud Boy brawl on the Upper East Side.