
The Largest Police Union in the Country Ominously Says It Has a ‘Surprise’ in Store for Quentin Tarantino

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A few weeks ago, an NYPD union got really butthurt after Quentin Tarantino spoke at an anti-police brutality rally. The president of the union—the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association—called on New Yorkers to boycott the filmmaker’s new movie, The Hateful Eight, which is slated for release this Christmas.

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Tarantino mostly shrugged off the ordeal, saying he has First Amendment rights and clarifying that he isn’t anti-police, but more anti-police “shooting unarmed people.”

That apparently wasn’t enough to appease the cops. On Thursday, the Hollywood Reporter wrote that Jim Pasco—executive director of the largest police union in the country—has a “surprise” in store for Tarantino. If that sounds like a threat, it’s because it probably is.

“Something is in the works,” Pasco said. “Something could happen anytime between now and [the Hateful Eight premiere in December].”

That doesn’t mean that the cops are going to go rough Tarantino up like he’s a private eye from a Raymond Chandler book, though—Pasco is planning to take aim at Tarantino’s wallet, instead.

“We’ll try to hurt him in the only way that seems to matter to him, and that’s economically.”