​The United States Officially Has Way Too Much Cheese Right Now

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You can do a lot with cheese. You can grill it, sprinkle it on a pizza, lure mice to their death with it, and use it to power a building. It’ll even help cure your hangover. Cheese is a magical, wonderful thing, so it’s a good thing the United States is sitting on a massive surplus of the stuff—1.2 billion pounds in all, Bloomberg reports.

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According to the USDA’s March statistics, US cheese inventory is at the highest it’s been since the early 1980s. Half of that is American-made cheese, from our domestic cows. Swiss cheese accounts for only about 2 percent.

As great as it is to be one nation overflowing with cheese, the surplus is a sign that the US is having a hard time enticing foreign countries to buy up our stock. Europe has been churning out a lot of milk in the last few years, and from all that milk comes even more cheese.

Because of that, other countries are jumping to scoop up European cheese—Asia and the Middle East especially—and the US’s stockpile is left relatively untouched. America’s got a lot of cheese, and nobody else is buying, so please do your patriotic duty and whip up a lasagna tonight or something.

Photo via Flickr user Tavallai