
The US Military Doesn’t Need a Ban to Kick Out Trans Soldiers

Transgender soldiers in the US military are facing an uncertain future under President Trump. This August, Broadly spent time with Rachel Waverly, a former solider who believes her discharge was based on issues surrounding her gender identity. Broadly host Diana Tourjee traveled to Texas on the morning of Rachel’s discharge to investigate her claim. Tourjee reviewed medical documents, spoke with other trans service members who know Rachel, and received a 35-page memorandum from Rachel’s lawyer outlining the illegality of Rachel’s discharge. According to her lawyer, Rachel’s discharge was “an act of subterfuge” by the military in order to get rid of Rachel because she is transgender. Even though Rachel’s dismissal was in motion months before Trump’s proposed ban was announced, her story highlights how current military bureaucracy makes it easy to get rid of anyone deemed “unwanted” by the military—with or without an official ban.