The VICE Monday Bulletin

Christmas Island Detention Centre. Image via

Welcome to the VICE Monday Bulletin. Here you’ll find a roundup of the day’s most important stories from around the world, all in one handy blog post, like a multivitamin of interesting stuff. With contributions from our global offices, the VICE Monday Bulletin will feature the biggest headlines in Australia, New Zealand, and internationally, and bring you a VICE documentary to start the week.

Australian News

Videos by VICE

  • Hospital Refuses to Release Children
    As pressure mounts to end offshore detention centres, doctors at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne are refusing to discharge children to Nauru and Christmas Island. Doctors say they can’t ethically allow children back into conditions that will jeopardise their health. —Sky News
  • Turnbull Preferred PM
    Popularity for Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull continues to grow as the latest Newspoll reveals he leads Bill Shorten as the preferred leader, 57 to 19 percent. Despite this, the two major parties remain deadlocked at 50-50. —The Australian
  • Request to Release Kiwi Detainees
    Turnbull is expected to tour New Zealand this week and Prime Minister John Key says he’ll request Australia release Kiwis from detention centres. New Zealanders with criminal records have fared badly under Australia’s tough new immigration policy, with 184 in detention at the end of August. Key has been an ardent critic of the policy. —Radio NZ
  • Detention Centre Protests
    Protests against offshore detention attracted thousands around the country yesterday, with crowds gathering in Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Perth. —The Guardian
  • Fires Ahead
    Australia is headed for a monster bushfire season, according to the latest information from the Bureau of Meteorology. This warning comes as Victorian fire fighters finally contain a blaze in the centre of the state, which destroyed four homes and 3000 hectares of farmland. —The Sydney Morning Herald

Flowers for MH17 victims outside Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam. Image via

International News

  • Mourners Gather in Turkey
    Anger grows at the Turkish Government as thousands met in the capital of Ankara yesterday to mourn Saturday’s bombing victims. Nearly 100 people were killed the previous day in a suspected double suicide bomb attack. —VICE News.
  • Unknown if IS Leader was Killed
    Eight high-ranking figures from the Islamic State were killed in a weekend airstrike, according to the Iraqi army. The attack also targeted IS leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, however it’s unknown whether he was killed. The US lists Al-Baghdadi as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist with a US$10 million reward for any information leading to his capture. —ABC News.
  • Report on MH17 Due Tuesday
    The final report on MH17 will be released Tuesday, containing new information on the plane’s final minutes over Ukraine, but omitting any blame for who shot it down. —
  • Trump calls Germany ‘Insane’
    Presidential hopeful Donald Trump has called German Chancellor Angela Merkel insane for accepting so many refugees. Germany has committed to taking 800,000 asylum seekers this year, most of whom are escaping violence in the Middle East. —The Sydney Morning Herald.
  • Kim Jong-un Tells US He’s Ready for War
    North Korea flexed its military muscle in an extravagant parade in Pyongyang on Saturday to celebrate the Party’s 70th anniversary. Kim Jong-un used the pageant as an opportunity to declare that his country is prepared to go to war with the United States. —VICE News.

If that’s enough reading for this morning, watch Taking Down Tokyo’s Corrupt Diamond Syndicate, our documentary on a man determined to change how Japan trades in jewels.