The VICE Morning Bulletin

Trump supporters at a rally in Cincinnati, Ohio, on July 6, 2016. Image via Getty

Everything you need to know about the world this morning, curated by VICE.

US News

Trump Has Zero Support from Black Voters in Swing States
Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, is polling at 0 percent among black voters in the key battleground states of Ohio and Pennsylvania, according to a new NBC News / Wall Street Journal poll. Black voters favor Hillary Clinton by an 88-point margin in Ohio and a 91-point margin in Pennsylvania.—NBC News

Videos by VICE

Police Say Protesters Can Carry Guns to GOP Convention
Protesters at next week’s Republican National Convention in Cleveland will be allowed to carry guns, the city’s police chief has confirmed. Chief Calvin Williams said he wished protesters weren’t allowed to carry guns, but Ohio has clear open carry laws. The Secret Service is banning guns in the areas open only to convention attendees.—The Wall Street Journal

Race Relations Reach Worst Level in Obama Presidency
According to a new CBS / New York Times poll, 69 percent of Americans say race relations are “generally bad,” the same level of discontent as the 1992 riots in Los Angeles sparked by the Rodney King beating. Discontent is at its highest level since Obama become president.—The New York Times

Judge Rules Against Cellphone Surveillance Without Warrant
A Manhattan federal judge presiding over a narcotics case has decided that drug evidence obtained through cellphone surveillance technology called “Stingray” won’t be admissible in court. Judge William Pauley ruled defendant Raymond Lambis’s rights were violated when DEA agents used the Stingray without a warrant.—VICE News

International News

ISIS Defense Chief Killed in Iraq
Top ISIS commander Omar al-Shishani, considered the group’s defense chief by the US, has been killed in an airstrike in Iraq. ISIS claims Shishani, also known as Omar the Chechen, was killed in the town of Sharqat “as he took part in repelling the military campaign on the city of Mosul.”—Al Jazeera

Famine Threatens Yemen as Food Imports Seize Up
Many areas of Yemen are close to famine because importers are unable to buy food stocks from abroad. Western banks have cut credit for traders shipping food to Yemen, fearing they would not be repaid due to the ongoing civil war. One aid official said the amount frozen in banks was at least $260 million.—Reuters

Brexit Leader Made Britain’s Foreign Secretary
Boris Johnson, the former mayor of London and leader of the UK’s campaign to leave the EU, has been made the country’s foreign secretary. Johnson has a history of insulting foreign leaders, and recently suggested President Obama’s “part-Kenyan heritage” gave him an “ancestral dislike of the British empire.”—VICE News

Zimbabwean Pastor Calls for Protests
Pastor Evan Mawarire, briefly detained after organizing a nationwide strike last week, has urged fellow Zimbabweans to keep protesting against government corruption. Mawarire said the social media campaign #ThisFlag would continue, with the goal of getting “as many citizens as possible involved in nation-building.”—BBC News

Everything Else

Elizabeth Warren Calls for Airbnb Investigation
Senator Elizabeth Warren has called on the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to investigate online rental platforms like Airbnb. Warren wants the FTC to look at the impact so many people acting as commercial businesses has on affordable housing.—The Guardian

Sex Offender Found Playing Pokémon Go with Kids
A registered sex offender was arrested for allegedly playing Pokémon Go with children in Greenfield, Indiana. Randy Zuick, 41, was out on parole when he was found playing the game on the lawn of the county courthouse.—ABC News

Jack White Joins Nashville Gender Equality Council
Nashville’s mayor has named Jack White to a new 45-member Council on Gender Equality. The rocker was recruited because of his own company’s progressive polices, like six-month paid maternity leave and health insurance for all employees.—Rolling Stone

UK Monitors Spending of the Poorest Citizens
The UK government is tracking the spending of people who receive welfare by posting their purchases to a digital ledger using blockchain technology. The welfare app has come under fire from British privacy advocates and anti-poverty activists.—Motherboard