
The VICE Morning Bulletin

Everything you need to know about the world this morning, curated by VICE.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Hillary Clinton. Photo via Joe Raedle / Getty

US News

More Democrats Than Previously Thought Hit by Cyberattack
Federal officials investigating the Democratic National Committee email hack now believe the cyberattack was wider than previously thought, with more than 100 Democrat officials and groups being compromised. The FBI has notified the long list of Democrats that Russian hackers breached their accounts. —The New York Times

Videos by VICE

Trump Tower Climber Wanted Audience with Candidate
The man captured by police while attempting to scale Trump Tower with suction cups apparently made the climb to deliver a message to Donald Trump. In a video posted on YouTube, a man who resembles the climber explains he wanted to “seek an audience with Mr. Trump” about “an important matter.” —VICE News

LAPD Claims Killed 14-Year-Old Boy Fired First
The Los Angeles Police Department said 14-year-old Jesse James Romero, shot dead by police on Tuesday, had fired first on officers. Police had been investigating a report of vandalism when Romero ran away from them. The cops claim the boy then fired a weapon at officers and was subsequently killed when they returned fire. —CNN

Muslims Sue After Michigan City Rejects Mosque
The leaders of an Islamic center have filed a lawsuit against Sterling Heights in Michigan after the city rejected their plans to build a mosque. The lawsuit by the American Islamic Community Center cites emails from city officials discussing the possibility of investigating mosque leaders for possible terrorist links. —USA Today

International News

Canadian Police Kill Suspect in Anti-Terror Raid
Police have shot dead a suspect in an anti-terror operation in Ontario. Family confirmed the death of suspect Aaron Driver, 24, arrested last year for supporting ISIS on social media. Police told the family Driver had detonated an explosive device—injuring himself and another person—and was intending to detonate a second before officers shot him. —CBC News

Russia Announces Daily Three-Hour Ceasefires in Aleppo
Russia’s military announced that there would be daily, three-hour ceasefires in the Syrian city of Aleppo, the setting of some of the country’s ongoing civil war’s fiercest fighting, to allow humanitarian aid to enter the city safely. A Russian defense ministry official said the daily ceasefire would run from 10 AM to 1 PM local time. The UN said the three-hour pause would not be enough time to get aid to civilians. —Al Jazeera

Roadside Explosion Injures 13 in Pakistan
A roadside bomb hit a security vehicle and wounded 13 people in the Pakistani city of Quetta. Pakistan’s home minister said the remote-controlled bomb had targeted police personnel escorting a judge, who was not hurt in the attack. —Reuters

Libyan Forces Capture ISIS HQ in Sirte
Libyan pro-government forces trying to oust ISIS from the town of Sirte have captured the city’s large convention center, a symbolic base that militants had used as their headquarters and had flown the jihadist flag. The victory came ten days after the US began airstrikes on ISIS targets in Sirte. —The Guardian

Central American Nations Discuss Anti-Gang Force
Honduras is trying to get El Salvador and Guatemala onboard with the idea of a huge, trinational force to fight street gangs. The plan is inspired by the controversial crackdown currently underway in El Salvador. —VICE News

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Everything Else

Feds Wants to Expand Marijuana Research
The Drug Enforcement Administration is expected to announce today that all universities will be able to apply to grow marijuana for medical research. The University of Mississippi is currently the only institution authorized to grow weed for that purpose. The DEA will not change the status of marijuana as a Schudule I drug. —The New York Times

Harry Potter Script Sells 4 Million Copies
The script for the play Harry Potter and the Cursed Child has sold more than 4 million copies in the UK, US, and Canada since its release on July 31. The play has also returned J. K. Rowling’s previous books to bestseller lists. —TIME

Snapchat Denies Yellowface Filter Is Racist
Snapchat has been called out by Twitter users for its “anime” filter that gives users slanted eyes, buckteeth, and rounded cheeks. A Snapchat spokesperson said “lenses are meant to be playful and never to offend.” —Motherboard

UK Judge Calls Racist a ‘Cunt’ in Court
British judge Patricia Lynch sentenced John Hennigan to 18 months in jail for racially abusing a Caribbean woman. After Hennigan told the judge she was “a bit of a cunt,” the judge replied: “You’re a bit of a cunt yourself.”—VICE