
The VICE Morning Bulletin

Everything you need to know about the world this morning, curated by VICE.

US News

Trump Promises to ‘Keep You in Suspense’
Donald Trump refused to definitively say he will accept the November election result and continued to push claims about voter fraud in the final TV debate against Hillary Clinton. “I will look at it at the time… I will keep you in suspense,” Trump said of Election Day. Clinton described his statement as “horrifying” and said, “He is talking down our democracy.”—The New York Times

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California Opens Criminal Investigation into Wells Fargo
California’s Department of Justice has launched a criminal investigation into Wells Fargo over allegations of criminal identity theft. Attorney General Kamala Harris has asked the bank to hand over records for customers who had unauthorized accounts opened in their names. Wells Fargo said it was “cooperating in providing the requested information.”—Los Angeles Times

Tesla Will Make All Its New Cars Self-Driving
Tesla has announced that all electric cars it now builds will have self-driving hardware. The Model S, X, and forthcoming Model 3 will all have “full self-driving capability,” but CEO Elon Musk said regulators will decide whether the capability is ever used. He described the hardware as “a super computer in a car.”—USA Today

New Sexual Misconduct Claim Against Trump
Another woman will come forward to accuse Donald Trump of “inappropriate sexual conduct” at a press conference in New York City this morning. Attorney Gloria Allred said the woman has never spoken before about the alleged abuse. Trump denied all claims of sexual misconduct on Wednesday night: “These stories are totally false.”—CNBC

International News

Super Typhoon Haima Kills Four in Philippines
At least four people have been killed in the Philippines after Super Typhoon Haima batterd the north of the country. Winds of up to 140 miles per hour caused widespread damage overnight, with homes destroyed and power lines brought down. Tens of thousands of people were evacuated from threatened areas.—BBC News

Kurdish Forces Launch Offensive on Mosul Villages
Kurdish fighters have launched a large-scale operation east and north of Mosul in a bid to remove ISIS militants from the area. Howitzer and mortar fire started at 6 AM local time, hitting villages held by ISIS around 13 miles from the center of Mosul. Kurdish fighters also shot down a drone aircraft that came from the ISIS-controlled territory.—Reuters

Former Brazilian Congress Leader Arrested
Eduardo Cunha, the former speaker of the lower house of the Brazilian Congress, has been arrested in connection with a corruption investigation. Cunha, who led the impeachment process against former president Dilma Rousseff, is accused of taking $5 million in bribes from contractors with state oil company Petrobras.—Al Jazeera

North Korean Missile Launches Fails
North Korea test-fired a missile that failed after launch early on Thursday morning, according to the US and South Korean militaries. The missile was believed to be an intermediate-range Musudan launched from Kusong City. It is believed to be the country’s second failed missile launch in a week.—CNN

Everything Else

Sixty Percent of Americans Back Legal Pot
Support for legalizing marijuana has reached a record high, with 60 percent of American adults now supporting the idea, according to a new Gallup poll. Support for legalizing pot has nearly doubled in the past ten years.—TIME

Mark Zuckerberg Defends Peter Thiel
Zuckerberg has defended Facebook board member Peter Thiel’s right to give Donald Trump $1.25 million. Zuckerberg wrote staff a memo saying he didn’t want to “create a culture” that “excludes almost half of the country because they back a political candidate.”—Gizmodo

Fears Grow for Silent Mars Lander
There are growing fears the European Space Agency’s Schiaparelli probe that attempted to land on Mars on Wednesday has been lost. Schiaparelli’s radio signals dropped out moments before it was expected to touch down on the surface.—The Guardian

Derrick Rose Found Not Liable in Rape Case
A federal jury has cleared NBA star Derrick Rose and two of his friends of rape in a civil trial in Los Angeles. The panel of six women and two men reached a unanimous verdict that the accuser’s claims were not credible.—VICE Sports

Documents Reveal Why Feds Say Marijuana Is Not Medicine
Documents obtained by VICE News reveal why the Food and Drug Administration and Drug Enforcement Administration still believe marijuana is not medicine. The DEA ruled that marijuana has a “high potential for abuse.”—VICE News

Eminem Drops Anti-Trump Track
Eminem has released a new eight-minute track called “Campaign Speech” in which he calls Donald Trump a “loose cannon” with “his hand on the button.” The rapper also announced he has started working on a new album.—Noisey