The VICE Morning Bulletin

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Erdoğan during a meeting in Baku, 13 June 2015 (Photo: via)

Here is everything you need to know about the world this morning, curated by VICE.

US News

  • Republicans Want Control of TV Debates
    The GOP’s presidential candidates are preparing a list of demands for the television networks. Angry at the format and questioning, advisers from at least 11 campaigns met to deliberate about how to gain sway over the process. —The Washington Post

Videos by VICE

  • FBI Program Condemned
    An online FBI program aimed at preventing young people from becoming radicalized has been condemned by religious leaders and legal experts. They say the tool—called “Don’t Be a Puppet”—stigmatizes Arab and Muslim students. —The New York Times
  • Tots Start Tech Really Early
    Researchers were surprised to find “almost universal exposure” of mobile devices among young children, with 28 percent of two-year-olds navigating mobile devices with no help. By the age of four, three-fourths of children own their own tablet or cellphone. —USA Today
  • The $43 Million Gas Station
    A government watchdog has discovered $43 million of US taxpayers’ money was spent building a gas station in Afghanistan. The Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction has struggled to work out exactly how the “gratuitous” amount was spent. —NBC News

International News

  • Bodies Flown Home to Russia
    The bodies of 144 Russians killed in an air crash in Egypt have been flown back to St Petersburg. Russian media outlets have begun speculating about whether the passenger plane crash could have been caused by terrorists. —BBC News
  • Erdogan Wins in Turkey
    Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) has regained its parliamentary majority after a big election win. However, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s party fell short of the “super majority” needed to change the constitution. —VICE News
  • No More Knights and Dames
    Australia’s Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has scrapped knights and dames from the nation’s honors system, signaling a different relationship with the British monarchy. The titles were “not appropriate in 2015,” Turnbull told reporters. —CNN
  • Chinese Newspaper Editor Removed
    The editor of the state-run Xinjiang Daily was removed from his job and expelled from the Communist party after opposing a “people’s war on terror”. Zhao Xinwei was sacked for criticizing how the government deals with extremists. —Reuters

Taylor Swift (Photo by Eva Rinaldi via)

Everything Else

  • Halloween Rave Turns Into Riot
    A huge illegal Halloween rave turned into a mini riot on the streets of London. For six hours the police clashed with crowds trying to get to the “Scumoween” event in the centre of the city. —The Guardian
  • Sanders’ First TV Spot
    Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders has unveiled the first television ad, framing him as a man “speaking truth to power”. His campaign will spend more than $2 million broadcasting it over the next 10 days. —Slate
  • Ripped It Off?
    Taylor Swift is being sued for $42 million for allegedly stealing the lyrics to “Shake It Off”. Jesse Braham has claimed in legal papers that Swift stole from one of his songs, “Haters Gone Hate”. —TIME
  • Bubonic Plague Not Coming for You
    With the sole teenage victim of the Bubonic Plague recovering in Oregon, people are still freaking out about a potential outbreak. Here’s why you don’t need to worry. —Motherboard

Done with reading for today? Why not watch this instead, the first episode of “VICE Talks Games”, with HALO developer Frank O’Connor.