
The Volocopter Is Our Flying Car

Often, our visions for the future don’t come out look exactly like we pictured. The most futuristic technology I could dream up as a kid was a video phone, but it didn’t end up looking like a television with a phone attached. It ended up looking like an iPhone.

So it goes with the flying car. Considering we’re nowhere near close to even a hoverboard, the dream of a regular, car-shaped car zooming through the sky is still just a fantasy. Instead, our best bet is the Volocopter. It’s kind of like a human-sized drone, or a helicopter that’s as easy to fly as a car is to drive, and is designed to travel short distances. In other words, this is our flying car.

Videos by VICE

After six years of development and seeking flying permits, the German-designed Volocopter took its first manned flight and published the video this week. Check it out, and adjust your daydreams about picking up your sweetie for a date at the fly-in movie theater accordingly: