
It’s Finally Time to Make These Grilled Fish Tacos

Warm weather is great and all, but it can also be a frustrating time for people more accustomed to chain-drinking hot chocolate and cocooning their bodies in waterproof outer garments than actual blue sky.

It’s time to call in the professionals: the guys dosed up with enough vitamin D to take our sorry summer game to the next level.

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California, we need your help.


Photo by Janelle Jones. Food styling by Eleanore Park.

Luckily for us, it was Santa Monica taco joint Tacos Punta Cabras that answered our sweaty cry for help. The solution? That ultimate beachside Californian snack—grilled fish tacos.

MAKE IT: Grilled Fish Tacos

Chef Josh Gil’s Baja-style tacos are made with two avocados (yup, two. This is Cali livin’—get used to it) and fresh rock fish, along with a cascabel chili marinade and rainbow salsa of tomatillos and red onion.

Serve with fresh tortillas and a squeeze of lime and no one will ever know how much the concept of Daisy Dukes and bikini on top terrifies you. California, here we come.