This Camera-Studded Jacket Catches Your Assailants In The Act

Aposematic Jacket from Shinseungback Kimyonghun on Vimeo.

Keep these threads in mind the next time you need a witness: the Aposematic Jacket is a camera-studded, business-appropriate, “wearable computer for self-defense.” Created by Seoul-based art collective Shinseungback Kimyonghun, the jacket is laced with lenses that start recording when the wearer pushes a button, as well as its own Raspberry Pi computer. Not only do the external lenses send a prominent warning to criminals like a porcupine showing off its spines, the jacket films incidents in 360-degrees and posts the footage online instantly.

Videos by VICE

While little is known about their Aposematic Jacket, Shinseungback Kimyonghun has previously used facial recognition software to generate portraits of the average face in a popular movies, and to spot faces in the clouds

Below, get a closer look at the Aposematic Jacket, and see sample the jacket in action: 

Visit Shinseungback Kimyonghun’s website to learn more. 


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