
This Guy Eats Like a King for Free Around the World

Making creme brulee in New York City with Kitchensurfing. All photos by Shantanu Starick.

Making creme brulee in New York City with Kitchensurfing. All photos by Shantanu Starick.

Shantanu Starick lives for nothing. The 26-year-old, Australia-born photographer travels the world on other people’s dimes, exchanging his services behind the shutter for food, lodging, and transport—experiences that he chronicles at his blog, The Pixel Trade. He doesn’t take a dollar from his hosts, but admits that he “eats like a king.”

We asked Starick if he could let us in on some of his most memorable and edible trades, and how he was faring on what sounds like the world’s best barter system.

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A promotional image shot for Carviar Nacarii in Barcelona.

MUNCHIES: How did you conceive of The Pixel Trade project? Shantanu Starick: The idea was conceived in a very personal setting, which I will share when I write the first book of The Pixel Trade. The basic rundown is it’s a photographic experiment to attempt to travel to all seven continents of the world without spending a cent of money on anything in the process. Instead, I trade. I take photographs for people and in return they provide the basic necessities, food, shelter and transportation.


At The Fumbally in Dublin, Ireland.

You claim you’ve spent no money in two years. Do you even need a bank account? Correct, I haven’t spent a cent. I do maintain a bank account. Just because I don’t spend money doesn’t mean I don’t have money!

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A dish at Street Food Thursday in Berlin.

What are some of the most memorable food trades you’ve made? Nearly every time I’ve photographed for a food project the trade has been memorable. It’s the environment, culture, and attitude around food that makes for the most enjoyable environments. I have clear recollections of every food trade from creating an entire cookbook with a winery in New Zealand to small intimate settings in special locations around Ireland.

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A fruit seller (and his customer) in Marrakech.

Do you get much choice in what you’re served? I get an incredible amount of choice. I eat like a king. People nearly always ask me what I like to eat. If we eat at home, they make it extra-special; if we eat out, they always take me to good restaurants. I’ve learnt a lot about food over the last few years but more from a visual standpoint and how chefs and food industries work/function.

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Prepping a promotional shoot for Nude Food in Melbourne.

Are there any foods you absolutely hate? Or love? I’m not a supporter of the big fast food chains like McDonalds, and if a trade tries to feed me that I walk away from the trade. Nearly every person I have traded with know I put Italian food at the top of all else.

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At the Teià Food Market in Catalonia, Spain.

What about snacks? Do you trade with those vendors, or does a host buy things for you as part of the overall trade? My trade is very conscious of making sure I’m well-fed—after all, it’s their part of the trade—so they often do it well. I also am not shy in telling them I’m hungry and need food. My trade in Istanbul bought some food at each vendor for us to chow down on.

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A street vendor in Istanbul.

Where are you off to next? I just arrived in Ireland, where I have an incredible group of foodies, so I eat exceptionally well here. Once I reach all seven continents I will look at wrapping up the project in an interesting way so people really get the message. I hit continent six in February and hope to make it to Antarctica while I’m in that part of the world, still looking for a trade to take me there.

Thanks for speaking with us.