
This Guy Hoards Limited Edition Chocolate Bars from the 90s

It’s always sensible to keep emergency chocolate rations in the house. Perhaps a half-eaten bar of Dairy Milk, Toblerone left over from last Christmas (or was it the one before?), or Creme Eggs squashed at the back of the cupboard since Easter. When blood sugar is low, even partially gnawed or mildly stale chocolate can hit the spot.

Picking at a dusty tub of Quality Street is admittedly kinda gross, but it’s nothing compared to the hoarding prowess of one chocolate-obsessed guy in Wales.

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Lester Hughes, from the northern coastal town of Pwllheli, has been keeping boxes and bags full of chocolate bars in his cellar for more than 25 years. Thankfully, he’s not keeping them as a rainy day snack, but as an homage to limited edition chocolate bars.

Photo via Facebook/Lester Hughes.

According to Welsh newspaper the Daily Post, Hughes’ collection includes special-run Cadbury’s Westlife and Spice Girls bars, Star Wars-branded bars, and the now-discontinued five-fingered Kit Kit and banana Milky Way.

Hughes told the Daily Post that his collection escalated from a single, harmless chocolate purchase. He explained: “I can’t remember exactly why I started collecting, I think I saw limited edition on a bar once and thought, ‘Why not buy it and save it?’ It then became a bit of an obsession and I actively went looking for limited edition chocolate bars to buy.”

Photo via Facebook/Lester Hughes.

He admitted that, despite the initial collecting frenzy, he stopped buying special bars ten years ago: “I have no plans to start collecting again, I’m not sure I have the space in the freezer to keep them anymore, or the willpower not to eat them now either!”

Those banana-flavoured Milky Ways must be so hard to resist.