
This Is How Much Halloween Candy It Would Take To Actually Kill You

halloween candy

Perhaps you’ve come close to filling an entire pillowcase with candy after a night of trick-or-treating. An impressive haul, no doubt, one that could last you the better part of a year if you play it right… But if you were to try to eat it all at once, how much could you get through before you dropped dead?

The helpful science folks behind the YouTube channel Reaction decided to tackle this age-old mystery in a video. How many would you think? Maybe a thousand Snickers bars?

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Wrong. Way less!

Looking at the sugar content in both fun-size candy bars and candy corn, Reaction crunched the numbers and found it would take just 262 fun-size candy bars and 1,627 pieces of candy corn to kill a 180-pound adult. That’s a lot, but not as much as you’d might think—and maybe doable in one sitting?

When you look at it from the nutritional perspective, the numbers become more formidable. Two hundred and sixty-two small candy bars racks up to about 20,000 calories—and more importantly, nearly 5.5 pounds of sugar.

READ MORE: The Poisoned Candy Expert Is Pretty Sure No One’s Trying to Kill Your Kids on Halloween

But consider that you can buy 135 fun-size candy bars for just $15.52, meaning that for just over 30 bucks, you can purchase a likely-fatal dose of candy. And given that Americans are projected to spend $3.8 billion on Halloween candy this year—5 percent more than last year—there’s probably enough Halloween candy out there right now to kill us all.

To think, while parents have worried about Halloween candy that’s been tampered with for decades, all along kids were potentially sitting on a fatal dose of regular old Three Musketeers.

READ MORE: A Completely Serious Guide to Pairing Overpriced Wine with Garbage Halloween Candy

Reaction helpfully provides a formula that lets you calculate your personal max candy intake in the description of their video.

Of course, you’ll probably be barfing your brains out before you get to that point, but it’s good to know, nonetheless, so you don’t waste your last meal on a little cardboard box of Good & Plenties.

This post previously appeared on MUNCHIES in October, 2016.