
“This is Ukranian Detriot” – Can Bandcamp save XO:RE From War?

When you name your album [NEED HELP!] War in Ukraine. Read Description, chances are you’ve got more on your mind than what colour napkins you’ll be providing at your release party. With the armed conflict in the Ukraine showing no signs of abating, one of the country’s best producers has fled his rebel-occupied hometown to escape the violence.

xo:re (pronounced ‘ksor’) makes incredibly detailed, punishing dancefloor electronica.

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His musical history is odd, but inspiring. He’s never had, or even touched, a piece of musical hardware. He simply taught himself how to use production software Fruity Loops and kept at it. Currently armed with nothing more than a temporary lend of a friend’s old laptop and a set of headphones, xo:re is busy reminding nearly every producer on the planet that the music is more important than the gear you’re using to make it.

Call it bass music, microfunk, braindance or whatever, xo:re is a world-class producer who’s had to swap making beats for survival in the midst of war. With his country crumbling around him, the prospect of gigs or a regular job is gone. Xo:re’s had to start thinking creatively about what to do next.

His new plan; survive war via Bandcamp.

XO:RE’s {NEED HELP] album description spells out the situation as of September last year:
“In my town and region war. I am in the epicenter. In my hometown Donetsk. I have to leave my war area ASAP (and left home probably forever) and go to live in another place. I actually lost housing. Due to the fact that the war in the town my apartment is impaired and there is nothing worth or it will be destroyed soon. Even after the war, there is nobody will live. Capital left the city, factories and mines destroyed. The city is dead. This is Ukrainian Detroit. Explosions could be heard throughout the city. A lot of military equipment and people with weapons in the city. A lot of innocent people died as result of the shelling. Many people are lost. They are kidnapped. There is dangerous to go out. I desperately need the money that would take away from the war zone the family. In fact, I would have to start all my life again, without a home and money. Money is needed for that would remove housing, food, utilities expenses and so on. The best support that me can provide it everyone buy my music via Bandcamp. Every coin helps!”

Since then xo:re has been on the run living off whatever donations filter in through his Bandcamp pages. His latest report, from a few days ago is as follows:
“I left Donetsk but I could not go far (unfortunately) and I pretty near war zone. Here high risk what that place where I staying will be captured too. I can back to my home and I don’t have any other source to help except you.”

Considering his current situation, now is the perfect time to check out his music and support him, so lets get to it!


Here at THUMP, we are proud to present the world premiere of xo:re’s new EP, Intermediate Step, released today on his Bandcamp page. Have a listen to the following track, “Ato”. After a minute of unsettling atmospherics, it gives way to a torrent of kick drums that give a whole new meaning to the words bass pressure. This is a certified dancefloor weapon if I ever heard one.

2. The xo:re [NEED HELP] Album

“[NEED HELP!] War in Ukraine. Read Description” is some quality electronica fullstop. Clocking in at a speedy 170BPM for most of the album, its crystalline edits are as overwhelming as they are beautiful. It sounds like Autechre making drum and bass inside the International Space Station. Check the following track ‘QQQ2’ for an example of some serious beat science.

2. The Xo:re Sample Pack

[Samplepack] RSamples – Volume 0 is xo:re’s hand crafted, royalty-free sample pack. From the microscopic sound fragments he uses to compose his own tracks, through to fully composed loops, this pack is pure audio gold. Any producer on the lookout for something to make their tracks extra special should check this out. The kick drums alone are well worth shelling out for, they’re heavy, punchy and pounding.

4. His other project – Reizoko CJ

xo:re also has another musical project on the go, called Reizoko CJ. He uses the same micro-editing techniques, but where xo:re is disciplined and measured, Reizoko CJ sounds like a new genre of dubstep made with chainsaws and Ritalin. You’ve been warned.

We wish Xo:re the best of luck, a producer of this calibre sure deserves it.

Xo:re would like to send thanks out to Belgian chiptuner HIA, Stan at Sci-Fi Records, metal-core artist Frontcore, USA Kings DJ Bobby Bass Ewing and Rasta-Zouk (!) producer Andy Jam. Respect.

Check out Xo:re over at his Bandcamp and Soundcloud