This Newfoundland Man Is Charged With Performing Unlicensed Circumcisions

A man in Newfoundland was charged for… uh… he… uh… well, he was charged for trying to administer circumcisions in his cabin in the woods.

As first reported by the CBC, Josh Chubbs (yes, really), a 23-year-old Newfoundland man, was charged with practising without a medical licence after attempting to talk a woman into letting him perform a circumcision on her son at his home.

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Chubbs didn’t have a medical background but was actively working on a mortician apprenticeship at a Carbonear, Newfoundland, funeral home. Prior to working with cadavers Chubbs told the woman that he had trained in pediatric urology and was perfectly capable of, and legally allowed, to perform circumcisions.

“I don’t want you to think I was a creep, I am trained,” Chubbs told the woman in a Facebook message, according to CBC.

The woman and Chubbs were acquaintances and Chubbs reached out to the woman through Facebook by asking questions about her new son—this included several questions about her son’s penis cleanliness and if he had been circumcised.

The Newfoundland man has locked his social media down but some videos and photos posted publicly to this page indicate that he was into horses, cars, and that Chubbs was a talented pianist.

Photo via Facebook.

Circumcisions ain’t cheap, and because the surgery is cosmetic in nature and not necessary, it’s not covered by health insurance, so it can run the parents several hundreds of dollars—which, in this economy, many new parents might not have. The woman said that Chubbs told her that he has done more than 50 circumcisions in his home, which was described as a “cabin in the woods.”

Chubbs also allegedly told the woman he had even performed a successful circumcision on an adult and referred her to a friend who he apparently had done a frenectomy operation on. The mother did talk to this friend who said that Chubbs indeed did do this operation and was professional about it.

According to the CBC, when the woman first reported Chubbs to the RCMP, they didn’t believe her and actually hung up on the friend who called for her. It wasn’t until the second time they called that the RCMP accepted the idea that a man named Josh Chubbs performing unlicensed circumcisions in backwoods Newfoundland wasn’t a joke.

Chubbs was also charged by the RCMP with promoting his unlicensed services.

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