This Photographer Is an Expert at Capturing Uncomfortable Moments and Visual Puns


This portfolio appears in VICE Magazine’s 2019 Photo Issue. With this issue we wanted to celebrate the absurd, the lighthearted, and the humorous. It’s important to take a break from the real world. As much as we need to be informed, engaged, and aware, we also need to laugh. We wanted to champion the people making art with a sense of humor. In today’s climate, there’s something nicely subversive about that. You can read more about our theme in the letter from our editor.

Check out an interactive version of the issue here, and why not subscribe to the magazine while you’re at it?

Videos by VICE


Jamie Lee Curtis Taete is a writer and photographer from the UK who’s lived in Los Angeles for the last six years. He was a longtime employee of VICE and over the years we, obviously, published a bunch of his work, including photos of a boring visit to Kentucky’s Ark Encounter theme park, the superfans who spend thousands of dollars on escape rooms, and a beach party for former Scientologists, Mormons, and Hasidic Jews. Now freelance, Jamie has shot photos for other publications like the New York Times, BuzzFeed, and the Daily Mail among others. We’re so proud of him.

His work is often reminiscent of the photos you’d find on defunct image-hosting accounts, ie: gloriously depressing snapshots covering a range of topics like Goth Day at Disneyland to sheepish fans at porn conventions. He’s a master at capturing visual puns and uncomfortable moments in real life, and the couple of deep cuts from his archive that he submitted for this photo issue are full of them.
