
This Vietnamese Iced Coffee Is the Best Way to Cure Your Hangover

Hi there. How’re you doing? You went out last night, didn’t you?

You thought you could hide that wobbly gait and vaguely nauseated expression all day, but we’ve seen it too often to buy your “I think I got some bad take-out” excuse. You’re hungover as hell.

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No, it wasn’t a good idea to go up to the people you see on Tinder at the bar and tell them why you’re swiping left on them as constructive criticism. It also wasn’t a smooth move to do an erotic solo dance to the full six minutes of “Closer” in hopes of scoring a free order of mozzarella sticks from the bartender. You should probably also apologize to the cab driver who took you home because that half-digested combo of Red Bull, vodka, and pad Thai isn’t coming out of the seats anytime soon

But now it’s time to jumpstart your system with an invigorating glass of Vietnamese iced coffee, made in the style of Phat Pham of Indochine Estates Coffee. Using a Vietnamese coffee filter not only makes a finer, richer, brew, but it also forces you to partake in some sort of activity that requires minimal hand-eye coordination to get you ready for the day. (Baby steps, man, baby steps.)

RECIPE: Vietnamese Iced Coffee

Vietnamese coffee is the perfect hangover drink, since the strong brew will wake you up and the silky, sweetened condensed milk will make the medicine go down easier. Drinking it ice cold also means you can chug it down, and unlike last night, it won’t result in regrets.