This Wearable Transmits Touch Between Mothers and Their Newborn Babies

Nine months ago, Intel kicked off the Make It Wearable (MIW) Challenge with the goal of inspiring the next big idea in wearables. Part-competition, part-entrepreneurial mentorship program, the challenge attracted thousands of global participants. Since then, 10 teams of young entrepreneurs and developers have been selected to have their limits tested as they push the boundaries of their imaginations—and of wearable technology. Through the end of October, The Creators Project will introduce the teams of finalists in the running for the $500,000 Make It Wearable prize. Yesterday, we brought you Arc Pendant, the smart pendant and wearable navigation system. Today, we bring you Babybe.

Project name: Babybe

Videos by VICE

Location: Chile

Team Captain: Raphael PM Lang

Other Members: Camilo Anabalon

Project description: 1 of every 8 births in the USA is premature. On average, preterm babies stay inside an incubator for 21 days, costing an average of $76,000. Babybe is a bionic mattress that transmits the touch of a mother to their premature baby in real time, simulating a mother’s heartbeat and breathing for infants inside the incubator machines. Collects body signs including heartbeats, breathing, and voices from mothers through a chest-worn device, and translating those signals into movement on a bionic mattress, babybe aims to bring preterm babies out of the incubator sooner, by bringing real time haptic information to them directly from their mothers.

To see the full list of Make It Wearable Challenge Finalists, visit:


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