Tinder Threw a Twitter Fit After ‘Vanity Fair’ Blamed Them for a ‘Dating Apocalypse’

Read: My Adventures Using Tinder as a Trans Woman

Last week, Nancy Jo Sales—of Bling Ring infamy—penned a feature for Vanity Fair about the way Tinder is ravaging the millennial dating scene and crippling 20-somethings’ ability to find real romance. Sales called the rise of Tinder a “Dating Apocalypse,” which didn’t make Tinder particularly happy, so the company did what any normal, professional company would do in 2015: They immediately took to the internet to berate Sales and her Vanity Fair story in a firestorm of tweets.

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Tinder’s Twitter reaction aside, the company has some supporters who also think Sales’s feature made pretty broad claims. On Wednesday morning, New York Magazine published a response to the original piece and Tinder’s Twitter tirade, suggesting that Sales fell victim to Confirmation bias—while the stories that Sales used as evidence are true, she doesn’t seem to mention the number of people for whom Tinder has been very beneficial. Sure, there are plenty of Tinder dating horror stories, but there are also a few people out there actually finding love as they thumb through virtual stacks of potential partners.

When you have decided to call dating apps like Tinder “a wayward meteor on the now dinosaur-like rituals of courtship,” it kind of makes sense to rely on more than stories you got from chatting up a few Tinder power users. That’s about the gist of what Tinder was trying to say in defense, but maybe blasting a string of tweets out to Nancy Jo Sales isn’t the best way to make their case. Even Tinder has felt a little bashful about their tweet fest.

A spokesman for Tinder issued a statement to the Huffington Post on Wednesday that they may have taken the angry tweets too far. “We were saddened to see that the article didn’t touch upon the positive experiences that the majority of our users encounter daily,” they said. “Our intention was to highlight the many statistics and amazing stories that are sometimes left unpublished, and, in doing so, we overreacted.”

We’ve all made mistakes, Tinder—mistakes that have, from time to time, been facilitated by your app. We’ll cut you some slack on this one.