
Embrace the Filth: Come Listen to This Murky New Remix of Tricky by DJ Riddla

Bristolian MC and producer Tricky’s new collaborative project with DJ Milo and Luke Harris – titled Skilled Mechanics – marked another shift in his eclectic 11 album career when the record dropped last week, to a sound undercut with a dark, richly layered cynicism. It’s a change reflected in the origins of the project’s name which, as it turns out, is a euphemism masking much darker intent:

“It’s from a documentary about espionage. There was an ex-C.I.A. agent on this program speaking about assassins who were sent abroad by the US to start revolutions and topple governments. He called them ‘skilled mechanics’. I thought that was a great name for someone who was a killer basically. It just stuck with me.”

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Anyway, one of the best new tracks from this project, “Boy”, has been given the remix treatment by Riddla, leaving it sounding extra murky. A grimey marriage of crunchy, relentless beats and intense lyrical content spat out in Tricky’s distinctive West Country drawl. Embrace the filth: