
Trump is raking in mountains of cash ahead of 2020

Trump is raking in mountains of cash ahead of 2020

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For all the excitement surrounding the fundraising efforts of Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris, Donald Trump has outpaced them both — combined.

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Trump’s 2020 campaign has announced it raked in $30.3 million in the first quarter alone, which far outpaces all the Democratic hopefuls, including the top two fundraisers, Sanders ($18.2 million) and Harris ($12 million). Granted, Trump’s the incumbent, and the Democratic field of more than a dozen candidates is splitting the donor dollars.

Trump’s campaign emphasized that almost all of the donations came from grassroots supporters, with nearly 99 percent of the donations at $200 or less and an average donation of just $34.

But it’s not just Trump’s own campaign benefiting from his extremely unconventional brand of presidency: The Republican National Committee announced it had pulled in $46 million in donations during the same period.

RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said the campaign had raised over a million dollars in a single day eight times in 2019 and has added 100,000 new donors since the start of the year.

The combined total gives Trump a war chest of over $80 million — an unprecedented amount at this stage of a re-election campaign.

In April 2011, Barack Obama had raised just $2 million toward his re-election. He would go on to raise over $720 million but the Trump campaign has set an ambitious target of $1 billion total.

Trump 2020 campaign manager Brad Pascale celebrated the fundraising effort on Twitter, calling it an “excellent first quarter.”

Parscale said in a statement that his boss “is in a vastly stronger position at this point than any previous incumbent president running for re-election, and only continues to build momentum.”

That momentum started on Day One of his presidency, when Trump filed re-election papers hours after he was inaugurated. Since then Trump has been amassing a huge war chest, as well as building out a full-fledged campaign organization that has branches to focus on major donations as well as small donations.

All 2020 presidential candidates have to meet a Monday deadline for filing financial information to the Federal Election Commission.