
Trump Spent the Weekend Tweeting Wild Conspiracy Theories While Nearly 5,000 Americans Died of Coronavirus

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If you had any illusions that President Donald Trump might slow down after a wild weekend of outrageous tweeting from Camp David, you would be wrong.

On Monday morning, Trump fired off a shot at MSNBC host Joe Scarborough and co-host/wife Mika Brzezinski, saying Florida should “open up a long overdue Florida Cold Case” against Scarborough over the 2001 death of one of the employees in then-Congressman Scarborough’s district office.

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The death of 28-year-old Lori Klausutis was ruled an accident; the coroner said she had an undiagnosed heart condition that caused her to pass out, and she hit her head when she fell, causing a fatal blood clot to the brain. But this isn’t the first time Trump has implied his former friend had something to do with Klausutis’ death.

Aside from casually implying that Scarborough killed someone, over the weekend Trump gorged on positive news about himself, wrote highly questionable retweets, and attacked opponents in politics and the media. After tweeting that he had 96% support from Republicans in the latest Gallup poll (it was 93%, but who’s counting), he retweeted an account called SexCounseling that asked: Why not 100%?

Trump also said MSNBC host Nicole Wallace was thrown off ABC’s “The View” “like a dog,” after she said that presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden, who’s been accused of sexual assault, was the victim of a smear campaign from the Right:

Trump then hit out at Wallace’s former boss, President George W. Bush, for not defending him during his impeachment trial, after Bush released a video Saturday calling for political unity during the pandemic:

Then, he retweeted a tweet from QAnon follower and former Republican congressional candidate DeAnna Lorraine asserting that rapist billionaire Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself.

And on Sunday, Trump got weirdly biblical, kind of:

To cap off the weekend, Trump did a two-hour virtual town hall with Fox News, in which he again revised his prediction of how many Americans would die from coronavirus upward to 100,000, predicted a vaccine would be available by the end of this year with absolutely no evidence, and said that some states skeptical of reopening right away “frankly aren’t going fast enough.”

At least 4,780 people (and counting) have died of coronavirus in America since Friday, according to STAT News.

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Cover: President Donald Trump walks on the South Lawn of the White House after stepping off Marine One, Sunday, May 3, 2020, in Washington. Trump is returning from a trip to Camp David, Md. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)