
Trump’s Campaign Just Lost the One Guy Who Tried to Stop the Taco Bowl Tweet

If you haven’t completely tuned out the maddening 24-hour news cycle at this point, you’ve probably heard that Donald Trump has made some major changes to his campaign in an effort to shake things up. In the latest rotation of the revolving campaign door, today brings the news that Paul Manafort—Trump’s chief campaign strategist with a questionable past that involves helping the deposed pro-Russian Ukrainian government—has resigned. That’s bad news for Trump, if only because Manafort was the only guy who told Trump not to publish his infamous Cinco de Mayo taco bowl tweet.

You remember the Trump taco bowl fiasco: Trump tweets a photo of himself preparing to munch a taco bowl seated at his desk in the Trump Tower. With his left hand, he gives a thumbs up, ready to enjoy some real-deal Mexican food on Mexico’s special day. “I love Hispanics!” he declares. He just wants to put a wall up on the border to make sure only the good ones can come to America.

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Donald, is that a picture of your ex-wife in a swimsuit on your desk?

Anyway, predictably, the tweet was deemed offensive by nearly everyone, raising the question: Who the hell thought this would be a good idea? According to a recent story in the Huffington Post about Manafort’s dwindling influence in the Trump campaign, it wasn’t Paul Manafort.

The Huffington Post describes how, on Cinco de Mayo, Trump “happened to be eating a taco bowl for lunch” when one of his family members suggested that they tweet a photo of the act. Manafort “politely suggested that this might be seen as condescending,” and warned against it, but the “tweet went out.” Trump later said, “The people we offended were people we wanted to offend.”

With Manafort gone, Trump—AKA “Mr. Brexit”—can now rely on the level-headed reasoning of his spawn and the pugnacious Breitbart News chairman Stephen K. Bannon. Whatever happens, Trump’s Twitter account will still be a fascinating one. We can only hope it crosses over into the world of food again.