Two DEA Employees Are in Trouble for Allegedly Lying About Running a Strip Club

According to a 20-page criminal complaint filed in New York District Court Tuesday, the FBI just uncovered some shenanigans going on right under another federal agency’s nose: A former DEA agent and a civilian who works for the agency allegedly lied about not working outside the agency during a background check. Their shady side gig? Owning and managing a strip club in New Jersey.

One of the men, David Polos, was an agent for over 20 years before he stopped working for the DEA just last month. His most recent title was special agent-in-charge overseeing a “strike force” focused on drug trafficking operations within organized crime.

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His alleged business partner, Glen Glover, 45, has worked for the DEA as a telecommunications specialist for years; according to the court filing, Polos was Glover’s supervisor about a decade ago. Glover has been placed on administrative leave, the New York Times reported Wednesday.

During August and September 2011, Polos and Glover were having their security clearances reviewed and received background checks. When asked if they were working anywhere other than the DEA, they both said no, apparently forgetting their ownership of Twins Plus Go-Go Lounge in Hackensack, New Jersey.

Twins doesn’t seem to be a very appealing place, at least judging by Google Street View, and the only Yelp review of it doesn’t do it any favors. “Food seems old i guess because i never seen anyone at [sic] there,” wrote user Steve B. “The dancers sit with their customers ad [sic] ignore you except for tips and to go in back for lapdances.some come right out with rates for happy ending.”

Interested in the lives of dancers? Here’s what it’s like stripping at a truck stop.

According to the court filing, Glover and Polos owned the club with one other person, and worked there in a management capacity. The Feds allege that the two men knew Twins employed people who “were not lawfully in the United States,” and claim that they were watching video feeds from the club while they were on the clock at the DEA. The filing adds that in the course of his job at the strip club Polos showed off his badge and once flashed his ankle-holstered handgun to the wife of a co-manager during an argument.

Related: The Beatking Guide to Strip Clubs

Lawyers for the defendants emphasized to the New York Times that the two men were good at their (government) jobs. As for their guilt, a lawyer for Polos said he’s “confident he will be exonerated,” while Glover’s lawyer just said, “We’ll try the case in the courts, not in the press.”

Audits of background checks have recently led to prosecutions and jail time in what inside-the-beltway news radio station WFED has called a “crackdown on background check fraud” that began in 2008. In one instance, George Abraham, a provider of background checks for the private firm Kroll, was found guilty of fraud, sentenced to more than two years in prison, and died there.

It’s unclear what penalties prosecutors will push for in this case.

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