
Two Teenagers Had a Fight Over Facebook, so One Ran the Other Down with a Car

Image by Ben Thomson

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Things online can get heated. One minute you’re politely voicing your opinion on a YouTube video and the next you’re in a spicy 40-comment back and forth between you and someone with the username Jakizgr8 you’ve never met before and will likely never speak to again. But if your blood boils over while online and you actually know the person IRL, things can get messy.

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That’s what allegedly happened to two guys from Forbes, New South Wales, Australia—one 18 and the other 17—who got into an argument over Facebook on Thursday night. Later that night, around 10 PM, they ran into each other in person. Literally. The older boy saw the 17-year-old getting into his car with two friends, so he drove right into him, breaking his leg.

It didn’t stop there, though. After plowing into the kid, the guy got out of his car and threatened the whole group with a weapon the police have yet to name. Allegedly, the older boy was high on ice when this whole thing went down, which may be the reason things escalating so quickly. The two guys that hadn’t just been hit with a car managed to get the weapon off of him, so he ran away.

Later, probably when he was coming down, the older boy turned himself into to the Forbes police. He was charged with intent to cause grievous bodily harm. He’ll appear in court in June.

No word yet on what the Facebook fight was about, but it must have been rough.