
UN declares cease-fire in Yemen

The United Nations has declared a cease-fire in Yemen in an attempt to stem violence in a conflict that has left thousands dead over two years of fighting.

A coalition of countries led by Saudi Arabia has been carrying out airstrikes against Houthi groups in Yemen since March of 2015. The U.S.-backed coalition supports the government of Abd Rabbu Mansour al-Hadi, who was ousted when Houthi rebel groups took over the capital city of Sana’a in 2014.

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Violence has been increasing in Yemen since an attempt at peace talks failed in August. Last week, an airstrike by the Saudi-led group killed 140 people at a funeral gathering, prompting international outrage and calls for change.

Saudi Foreign Minister Abel al-Jubeir told reporters Monday that he is prepared to support a cease-fire if the Houthi groups also agree.