
Up-and-Comers – UK

Somewhere among the pulsating mass of young designers and wannabe trendsetters that choke the streets of London are a few new faces who are ready to do great things on fashion’s front lines. We had a word with three of them about the “scene”, itchy pants, and public executions. NOVA DANDO
Vice: When and why did you get into fashion?

Nova Dando:

Videos by VICE

Describe your work please.

What inspires you? Everyday life or higher sources? What do you think of the London fashion scene? Who would you like to see wear your clothes, celebrity-wise?
Do you find being in the fashion world forces you to mix with unsavoury types? What would you change about the industry if you could? What popular fashion items would you ban if you could?
Vice: Where are you from?

Charlie Le Mindu:
Are you a designer or a hair stylist? How do you make a wig into jewellery?
How important is hair to fashion? When did you get involved in the fashion world? What is your day-to-day life like as far as your work is concerned?
How would you do your hair if you were going to be publicly executed? Do you spend much time on your own hair? What do you think of the fashion scene among young people in the UK? Are there many new designers whose work you think is interesting?
What specific scene would you say you fit into? PRISTINE SMUT Vice: Who is Pristine Smut?

Liria Pristine:
Where are you from? When was Pristine Smut born? Why such a salacious name for your brand?
Describe your work to us. What do you think of the role of knitwear in the fashion world right now? Are knitted pants itchy?
Do you use wool? Does all wool smell funny when it gets rained on, like school blazers? I hate that smell. What do you think of the young designers in London right now? What’s the next big thing?