
Monthly Horoscope: Aries, November 2021

Welcome to Scorpio season, dear Aries!
Scorpio and Sagittarius
Robin Eisenberg

The sun in Scorpio finds you focused of finances, especially things like debts, taxes, inheritances, and money you share with your partners. Dealing with these issues can be stressful, but ignoring them won’t make them go away. Scorpio season is a great time to do what you do best, Aries: Confront things head on!

Take control of your bills, and be straightforward with your partners about your boundaries and expectations around money. Emotionally, Scorpio season is a powerful time for letting go and giving yourself closure. You’re optimistically looking to the future and making inspiring social connections on November 1 as Mercury in Libra connects with Jupiter in Aquarius. You may find yourself thinking back to September 20 and October 3 at this time. Mercury squares off with Pluto in Capricorn on November 2, also finding you thinking back to September 22 and October 1. This is a powerful, productive moment to research, and to have deep, honest conversations. 


The new moon in Scorpio arrives on November 4: New moons are new beginnings, and this is a great one to settle debts, or to offer or accept an apology. You’re a courageous person, dear Aries, but letting go of the past can be frightening or even heartbreaking. This new moon in deep feeling Scorpio encourages you to stay present with all the difficult emotions coming to the surface. Unexpected shifts take place in your finances during this new moon as the sun opposes Uranus in Taurus: If you’re feeling controlled in a relationship, especially regarding finances, this may be a breaking point of some kind. 

Your reputation gets a boost as Venus enters Capricorn on November 5! This is an exciting time to stand in the spotlight, dear Aries; reward and recognition are coming your way. In your career, it’s a thrilling moment to negotiate a raise, increase your rate, or otherwise set expectations on how you want to be valued and treated. In your love life, you’re appreciating partners who cheer you on—and who are charming dates for important events! This is a glamorous moment for you. Also on November 5, Mercury enters Scorpio, helping you with deep research and encouraging you to handle financial paperwork. People may be especially eager to invest in you as Mercury connects with Venus on November 6. 

November 10 finds you having a straightforward conversation as Mercury meets your ruling planet Mars in Scorpio—but things may not move as quickly as you’d like as Mercury and Mars square off with Saturn in Aquarius. Stress may arise in your social life. It would be wise to reflect on your long-term goals at this time, and to think about how your current situation supports your future. Set boundaries, and seriously consider which responsibilities you want to continue to hold.


A much easier energy flows as the sun connects with Neptune in Pisces on November 12, bringing a boost of creativity and intuition. This is a lovely time to take a break and escape from your everyday routine—get lost in a good book or dance the night away! Mercury opposes Uranus on November 13, which could bring surprising news, particularly about money. The mood is optimistic on November 15 as the sun squares off with Jupiter on November 15—but watch out for the tendency to over-do things. Help from powerful people may arrive as the sun connects with Pluto on November 16. You’re a take-charge kind of person, Aries, but you’re feeling especially assertive at this time.

Unexpected arguments—especially about money, resources, or values—pop up as your ruling planet Mars opposes Uranus on November 17, but you get a chance to smooth things over on November 18 as Mercury mingles with Neptune. Mercury and Neptune’s connection inspires sympathy and understanding, and helps you connect deeply with your intuition. This is a lovely time to engage in your spiritual practice, too.

The lunar eclipse in Taurus arrives on November 19, activating the sector of your chart that rules money and security, and bringing a climax to a situation regarding these themes. Eclipses often reveal new information, so intriguing information may come to light at this time. The mood is especially emotional, so give yourself plenty of space to rest. Reward yourself for hard work done, and take a good look at your budget to consider what kind of changes you need to make to your spending, and whether you need to have conversations about raising your fee, getting a raise, or setting boundaries. Your financial situation may be quite different after this eclipse, as eclipses are all about total change! Venus also connects with Uranus on this day, which bodes well for your popularity and your ability to impress people, as well as unexpected gifts.

Messenger planet Mercury squares off with Jupiter on November 20, making it an exciting day in your social life, and Mercury mingles with Pluto on November 21, bringing an important message or deep conversations. Also on November 21, the sun enters fellow fire sign Sagittarius, lighting up the sector of your chart that rules travel and education. You’re getting paperwork regarding these themes organized as Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 24. You may also be publishing something or sharing exciting news. An important realization takes place as the sun and Mercury meet in Sagittarius on November 28.

Mars and Neptune make a harmonious connection on November 29 and a tremendous transformation or emotional release can take place. Mars and Neptune are very different planets archetypically speaking: Mars is divisive while Neptune is all about unity—but when they work together harmoniously, warrior planet Mars takes on fights for the good of all, and Neptune focuses our imaginations. This is a powerful time for creativity and emotional release.

On November 30, Mercury connects with Saturn, Venus with Neptune, and the sun with Saturn. Mercury and the sun’s connection with Saturn bodes well for discussing plans and commitments, and could find you connecting with friends and associations that share your hobbies or passions, and Venus’s connection with dreamy Neptune inspires glamour and romance. It’s a lovely time to explore your dreams and fantasies, and to celebrate any recent wins.

Good luck this month, Aries, and see you in December!