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​‘Hater’ Judge Unseals Court Documents From Trump University Lawsuit

The Donald wasn't very happy about this.
Sounds like a YUGE headache for the Donald. Photo via YouTube

Last week, documents from the infamous Trump University lawsuit were ordered to be made public by a judge who Donald Trump has called "a hater" and wrongfully identified as "Mexican" in the past. According to the official order, US District Judge Gonzalo Curiel—who was nominated by Obama in 2011 to serve on the prestigious court, which Trump claims is a bias—motioned Friday to have the documents unsealed after a request from the Washington Post for access to the files. The documents had been previously leaked by Politico, which include strategies on how to deal with the media and maintaining consistency of the Trump brand. Earlier that day, at a San Diego rally, Trump went after the judge by calling out his "Mexican" heritage (Curiel was born in the US to Hispanic parents) as a reason for the judge having a beef with the billionaire presidential candidate. "The trial is going to take place sometime in November. There should be no trial. This should have been dismissed on summary judgment easily," Trump said at the rally, according to the Washington Post. "Everybody says it, but I have a judge who is a hater of Donald Trump, a hater. He's a hater. His name is Gonzalo Curiel." Trump University has been a political bounty for Trump's opponents since the story picked up steam last year after a number of lawsuits alleging fraud came out against the presumptive Republican nominee. The allegations have been fuelled by a growing list of Trump's failed business ventures that include everything from Trump Steaks to Trump Airlines. The complainants, who argue the university was poorly-funded and falsely-advertised as giving access to Trump's business playbook, are seeking upwards of $40 million in restitution for students. The lawsuits also allege a pyramid-like scheme in which salesmen at the university tried to get students to invest more money in additional courses, none of which they say were run by qualified instructors. When pressed for response by the Washington Post, Trump's campaign forwarded the newspaper to lawyer, Alan Garten, who said that the billionaire mogul isn't stressed about the possibility of losing the lawsuits. "We're completely winning this case," Garten said. Follow Jake Kivancon Twitter.
