
Watch a Livestream of Mercury Crossing the Sun Right Now

You can watch all of Mercury’s action on Slooh’s livefeed.

Read: Your Life Sucks Because It Sucks, Not Because of Mercury Retrograde

Mercury, as you may have heard, is currently in retrograde. That means about nothing, except to folks who don’t understand the basis of physics—but it’s really the only time the tiniest, innermost planet in our solar system really gets any attention.

That changes Monday, when the wrinkled spec with a molten core crosses directly between the Earth and sun—a very rare event that takes place only a dozen or so times each century—putting on a potentially blinding show for anyone dumb enough to watch it with a naked eye.

There are safe ways to watch the spectacle known as the Transit of Mercury, though. And if you’re too lazy to build a projection device or too smart to get excited about watching a shadow on a cardboard box, the nerds over at Slooh are livestreaming the whole thing on YouTube with their high-powered telescopes, all while providing titillating commentary—like about how Mercury is interpreted in poetry.

During the seven-plus hour event, Mercury will appear as a small black dot moving slowly across the bright-ass sun during the day. The last time it happened was in 2006, so def tune in for this blazing hot celestial action.