
Watch a Very Young Big Sean Perform in a Middle School Shakespeare Production

Big Sean, a man known for finding inventive ways to place the word “ass” in sentences, is a performer and dramatist non pareil, as proven by his Emmy-nominated [citation needed] performance in “I Don’t Fuck With You.” It turns out that Sean has a deeper history of theatrics, as Reddit has uncovered a clip of the rapper in 8th grade performing in a production of Shakespeare’s The Tempest

As the only one of Shakespeare’s romances that anyone gives a shit about, The Tempest follows the story of a wizard, Prospero, who wants to fuck up the entire world with magic so that his daughter Miranda can become the true ruler of Naples. Young Big Sean (Little Sean?) plays the role of Ferdinand, the prince of Naples who is tested by Prospero’s island of illusions so that he can be worthy of Miranda’s hand in marriage. During his brief soliloquy, one can hear in Small Sean’s vocal intonations the charisma that would eventually lead him to make hashtag rap classics like “Marvin & Chardonnay.” Now if only it had a Key Wane instrumental.

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Phil still has ‘Hamlet’ soliloquys somewhere in his parents’ house. He’s on Twitter.