
Watch Glowing Skiiers Shred Nighttime Powder Wearing LED Lightsuits

The “collection of filmmakers, adventurers, dreamers– artists” known as Sweetgrass Productions have pulled out all of the stops to create an incredible action sports spectacle, one that might even beat the extreme slip’n’slide from over the summer in terms of nature-hijacking acrobatics. The altogether-too-short teaser for their upcoming film, Afterglow, follows two skiiers wearing full body lightsuits as they slide down the dark side of a mountain, illuminated by a set of colorful, Hollywood-caliber lights.

“This is our way of saying, ‘Hey, skiing has been filmed for like 60 years but there are still ways to reinvent the medium and still ways to look at it with fresh eyes,” co-director Nick Waggoner told Wired, and reinvent the medium they did. Rather than standard daytime shoots, featuring mobile footage peppered with the occasional POV shot, the Sweetgrass team approached the short like an hones-to-goodness Hollywood film, helicoptering in lights, professional film equipment, and an octocopter, plus teaming up with Phillips to cover their subjects in 7,000 glowing LEDs each.

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Read all about the trials and tribulations that made Afterglow possible in the original Wired feature, but before you do, we’ve collected the most mesmerizing, breath-taking, and all around gnarly moments from the shoot in GIF form. Enjoy:

The full 12-minute version of Afterglow will debut on Sunday Oct. 19, and will be making the 2014-15 festival circuit. Click here to watch the full short come Sunday.


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