Watch Suroosh Alvi Go to Rwanda with Bono in This Web-Exclusive Clip from the VICE Doc ‘Countdown to Zero’

On World AIDS Day earlier this December, HBO premiered our special report, Countdown to Zero, an hour-long investigation about the progress of HIV and AIDS prevention and treatment.

During the course of filming Countdown to Zero, VICE co-founder Suroosh Alvi traveled to Rwanda with U2’s singer and co-founder of the anti-AIDS organization (RED) and the anti-poverty group One, Bono, to explore how we have reached “the beginning of the end of AIDS” and what needs to happen next.

Videos by VICE

In this web-exclusive clip, Alvi and Bono see the strides made by PEPFAR (the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, one of George W. Bush’s lasting legacies) in Rwanda, where mother-to-child HIV transmission has almost fully been eliminated and infection rates have been cut in half.

Watch the clip above, and be sure to also check out the full Countdown to Zero documentary along with another web exclusive about the link between HIV/AIDS and cervical cancer.