
Watch the Baked Beans Ad That Just Got Banned Over Safety Fears

According the new television advert for Heinz baked beans, nothing brings people together like banging on empty tin cans and having a good old fashioned singalong.

The food giant’s latest ad depicts actors throwing and pounding Heinz baked beans cans to the rhythm of the “Can Song.” Viewers are encouraged to learn the tune, along with the tagline, “Learn the #CanSong.”

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But not everyone has been so keen to join in.

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), Britain’s advertising watchdog, received three complaints that “challenged whether the ad encouraged unsafe practice” and a further six that “challenged whether the ad featured behaviour that could be dangerous for children to emulate.”

It seems DIY percussion instruments have the potential to turn into a horror story bloodbath.

To be fair, those “Can Song” moves must involve a hell of a lot of hand-eye coordination.

Despite Heinz arguing that its actors were not shown to have their hands inside the cans, and releasing further videos that detailed safety precautions like taping the ends of open cans, the decision to ban the advert was upheld by the ASA.

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The watchdog ruled that viewers who were encouraged to learn the routine would not be as proficient in flipping and twirling the can as the actors, and any mistakes made could lead to the risk of cuts. The ASA also said that Heinz’s safety advice was not sufficient and should have been made clearer in the ad itself.

The trusty can of beans might be your favourite pre-payday dinner, but if you’re looking to take up a new instrument, this is one instance in which it really hasn’t got to be Heinz.