
Watch the trailer for VICE on HBO’s episode “Russian Democracy & Global Gag Rule”

This week on VICE on HBO, the team heads to Russia to witness the latest election. Then, we also take a look at how Trump’s revival of the Global Gag Rule is impacting women around the world.

Russian Democracy

Russia held its seventh democratic presidential election in March and, as expected, Vladimir Putin secured a comfortable re-election. With another six years added to his already long tenure as the head of the nation, Putin is poised to be Russia’s longest-serving leader since Stalin. VICE’s Ben Ferguson spoke with voters, candidates, and opposition figures barred from running in the hopes of discovering how democracy works in Russia.

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Global Gag Rule

Just three days after his inauguration, President Trump signed a memorandum reinstating what’s known as the Global Gag Rule — a policy that eliminates US development aid funding for any NGO that provides abortion-related services. In the year after Trump’s signing, the effects of this policy have rippled across Africa. VICE’s Gianna Toboni investigates the impact this policy has on women’s health in Uganda.

Watch VICE on HBO every Friday at 7:30PM and 11PM EDT.

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