
Watch the trailer for VICE on HBO’s episode “The Big Fix & Silicon Valley of India”

The Big Fix

America’s infrastructure is in desperate need of more than $4 trillion in upgrades and improvements. President Trump campaigned heavily on overhauling the country’s crumbling infrastructure, and promised to invest big to fix it. VICE correspondent Thomas Morton explores the most vital bridges, tunnels and waterways in the U.S. to see how much the situation has deteriorated and to find out if the Trump Administration’s promise is being kept.

Silicon Valley of India

Traditionally, India’s best and brightest tech talent have emigrated to the U.S. for lucrative job opportunities. But now they’re putting their entrepreneurial spirit and engineering skills to use at home. VICE correspondent Krishna Andavolu heads to the city of Bangalore to explore what may be the world’s next Silicon Valley.

Videos by VICE

See it Friday at 7:30 p.m. and 11 p.m. EDT.

Read: India’s biometric database is a massive achievement and dystopian nightmare