
Watch These Drones Act Like Flying Spiders and Weave Together Structures

Add “construction” to the list of things a drone can do.

We’re not talking anything heavy, like pouring cement, but this video shows what the spritely drones are capable of when installed with cable dispensers. The robots flawlessly string together metal poles in an aerial ballet performance like they’re flying spiders.

Videos by VICE

Architect Ammar Mirjan explains this is “widening the spectrum of what’s possible” in construction. Most notably, over wide areas like canyons or rivers where it’s hard for humans to navigate.

“We can fly through and around existing objects, which a person couldn’t do or a crane couldn’t do,” he says. For example, building a temporary structure over a vast space could take minutes, rather than hours.

Mirjan’s experiments so far has been relegated to inside environments, but he says it “would be interesting to do in the near future is to build a structure outside.”

One caveat: It’s all amazing until they crash into each other.