
We Made Banoffee Fill Out Our Dating Questionnaire

Banoffee shot by Freya Esders

We’ve been keeping an eye on Melbourne-based Banoffee for a minute—the spry “Let’s Go to the Beach” was one of the best songs 2014—but in general her spare synth-pop errs on the soulful, lightly downtempo side of things, deftly manipulating her own vocals, cutting them out, and stitching them into the body of her songs. Her lately released EP, Do I Make You Nervous? ploughs this furrow with expert ease. With its mellow house piano chords, “Her” is a pensive tune about the moment you realized that boy you thought was yours was actually everyone else’s at the same time. Elsewhere, the buttery synth-soul of “Body Suit” comes in somewhere between NZCA LINES and Solange. And no, it’s not an ode to the Lycra attire from the 80s that’s having a resurgence: the singer’s mostly interested in putting her lover on like a body suit. So far so very Hannibal Lecter, and yet somehow Banoffee a.k.a. Martha Brown still sounds charming. Listen to the whole thing below, and while you do, read this edition of This Modern Love—our OkCupid-cribbed questionnaire.

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Continued below.

26 / Female / Melbourne Australia.

My self-summary:

Shy, Mouthy, gangly.

What I’m doing with my life:
YouTube tutorials, Seth Riggs singing vids, Prophet 6 day dreaming, dancing in my sitting room, trying to become a better producer.

I’m really good at:
Self-deprecation, contradiction, pretty OK at crosswords.

The first things people usually notice about me are:
My eyebrows—they have a mind of their own.

Favorite books:
I can’t do “all times” it freaks me out, here are my recent faves: Me Talk Pretty One Day – David Sedaris, The Far Away Tree (always and forever), My mum’s novel she just finished. I’m reading it—unbiased (or maybe biased)—I think it rules.

Favorite movies:
Recent faves—Girlhood, Chappie, Wadjda.

Favorite music:
At the moment—Mura Masa, Kehlani, Sui Zhen, Murlo, Young Thug, Tink, Nao.

Favorite TV shows:
The Jinx (holy shit watch it), Avatar, The Last Airbender, The Sopranos, OZ.

Favorite Food:
Anything with Vegimite on it, pickled things (pref pats veg), vegetarian sushi, oats, bananas.

Six things I could never do without:
Vegimite, my gear, my AF1’s, headphones, my sleeping pills, my memory foam pillow.

The most private thing I’m willing to admit is:
I’d totally tap JB, even though he has fucked up values and is a crazy Catholic ranter.

On a typical Friday night I am:
In the studio late ticking them boxes.

You should message me if:
You want to give me a present