
We Talk About Nintendo Switch And Building A Website On Waypoint’s New Podcast

Image courtesy of Nintendo

VICE Gaming became Waypoint in a week of huge gaming news, with Rockstar dropping the first trailer for their long-anticipated Red Dead Redemption sequel, Nintendo providing details on their next piece of hardware, and voice actors officially going on strike. What a week!

To break it all down, we invited other members of the Waypoint crew into the podcast bunker, including publisher Joel Fowler and social editor Danika Harrod. Besides the news, we explain why it’s so hard to build a website. Fonts? Logos? Bad ideas for names? Bazinga?

You can listen to the podcast through the embedded player below…

… or you can subscribe on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher.

If you’re using something else, this RSS link should let you add the podcast to whatever platform you’d like. Please take a moment and review the podcast, especially on iTunes. It really helps us out.

Interaction with you is a big part of this new podcast, so make sure to send any questions you have for us to with the header “Questions.” (Without the quotes!) We can’t guarantee we’ll answer all of your questions, but rest assured, we’ll be taking a look at them.

Make sure to swing back to VICE Gaming on Monday for the next episode of VICE Gaming’s New Podcast!

Follow Waypoint on Twitter, Facebook, and Twitch, and tune in to our 72 hour launch live stream marathon, starting October 29.

Follow Patrick Klepek on Twitter, and if you have a news tip you’d like to share, drop him an email.

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