
We Wish Our Back-To-School Supplies Looked This Artful

Anyone who’s ever worked in an office or attended a university understands the creative potentials the potent combination of boredom and isolation generates. Between projects, surrounded by monitors and nondescript furnishings, the mind becomes untethered, free to imagine the workplace as a realm of infinite possibility.

To the artist, the blue desktop background is an ocean; inoffensively-colored walls bear the unadorned faces of a gallery; #2 pencil graphite crystallizes into artist’s charcoal. In collaboration with set designer Zuza SłomińskaPolish photographer and visual artist Paweł Fabjański‘s Untitled envisions classrooms at Lodz University as such artistic playgrounds, empty spaces ripe for the artmaking. 

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Drenched in the greenish hues of fluorescent overhead lights, the photo series, done as part of Fabjański‘s pedagogy at the Polish National Film School, was created for Powidoki | Afterimages, the kind of text we bet is instilling the opposite of boredom in its readers. Below, Untitled, in all its pencil-pushing glory:

To check out more of Paweł Fabjański‘s work, visit the artist’s website


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