We Won a Whopping 13 Webbys This Year

April is Webbys season, so every year around this time we hope and pray that the Webby people will recognize all our stunning content from the past 12 months and bestow a silver spring of recognition upon us. We’ve won some Webbys in the past, and those awards now sit on a big shelf in the VICE office.

Sometimes, in the midst of a thoroughly awful day, we will sneak up to the Webby shelf and run a finger up an award’s spiraling metal, thinking to ourselves, You see? Someone noticed, someone cared. Then we slink back to our desks, feeling somehow more rejuvenated.

Videos by VICE

Well, we’re going to have to get a bigger shelf, because this year, VICE took home a staggering 13 Webbys. Seven of those were awarded by the fine judges at the Webby Awards, naming VICE.com the best cultural site online, among other things. The other six awards are almost more exciting, though, because they were People’s Voice awards—that means that all of you out there in cyberspace like us, and that really warms our hearts.

You can check out the whole official announcement over at the Webbys site, but here’s a quick TL;DR.

VICE.com won a Webby Award and a People’s Voice Award for best cultural blog/website. i-D also won a Webby and People’s Voice for best fashion and beauty website. Broadly won a Webby for best lifestyle website, and its video The Power Suit won another one for best online fashion and beauty film.

VICE Germany’s video, Room for Rent, won a People’s Voice for best online news and politics film. Virtue’s YouTube Music Awards won both a Webby and a People’s Voice for best video channel in the music category.

Finally, Motherboard won a whopping four awards. Its video, Cloning the Wooly Mammoth, won a Webby and a People’s Voice for best online science and education film. Another Motherboard video, The Dawn of the Killer Robots, was awarded both a Webby and a People’s Voice in the best online tech film category.

Thank you, valued VICE readers, for clicking and sharing and reading and voting. We couldn’t have done it without you. We will think of you all fondly as we stare up at our rows of gleaming silver springs for the next year.