
Weekly Horoscope: February 14 – 20


Mercury, the planet of communication enters Aquarius at 4:53 PM on Monday, February 14: With Mercury in an air sign after spending an extra long time in earth sign Capricorn, conversations are more about possibilities and concepts, rather than cold hard facts. 

There’s a lot of talk involved in whatever dates are happening, but Valentine’s Day isn’t strictly conversation—there’s still plenty of sensuality to take advantage of during a passionate meeting of love planet Venus and action planet Mars on Wednesday, February 16, at 9:26 AM.

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The full moon in Leo arrives on Wednesday, February 16, at 11:56 AM, adding fuel to the fire. This full moon asks for acceptance, whether that means approval of yourself or others. It’s a good time for letting go of judgements and grudges. Every winter has an empowering Leo full moon, when we need to find ways to sustain our energies, stay strong, and share warmth.

Surprising opportunities for growth unfold as Jupiter, the planet of luck, gently connects with Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, on Thursday, February 18, at 7:12 PM. There is extra courage as we sense that anything is possible. If someone spontaneously invites you somewhere, say yes! It could become a fond memory. Or maybe you’re the one sending invitations.

Pisces season begins on Friday, February 18, at 11:42 PM, which means spring is almost here! Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, where anything is possible. Pisces themes are healing, dreaming, and connecting with something greater than the body. Seeking universal ideals and finding something that transcends reality, all things psychedelic and metaphysical, are apt ways to celebrate the beginning of Pisces season, and the end of winter. Enjoy!

All times ET.


Aries horoscope for February 14 – 20

Your planetary ruler Mars meets with sweet Venus, giving you extra swagger. You’re willing to make a public statement, whether that means PDA or simply showing how wonderful you are to the world. Whatever moves you’re making now are graceful and recognized as such! The full moon falls in fellow fire sign Leo, bringing you a boost of energy and confidence to chase after the object of your desire. This full moon sheds light on things that make you feel happy, creative, and free. Self-expression plays a big role at this time. As Pisces season begins, you’re able to spend some quality time alone meditating, catching up on rest, or focusing on your mental health.

Taurus sign

Taurus horoscope for February 14 – 20

Mercury enters your chart’s house of career and public reputation, putting your ideas in the public eye once more. The planet of action and pursuit, Mars, meets with your passive planetary ruler, Venus. The full moon activate’s your chart’s axis of legacy. This is a time when you can look at how far you’ve come, and see how you’ve made a name and life for yourself while still respecting your roots. Home and family issues are grabbing your attention and you are generously investing your energy in these arenas. Lucky planet Jupiter gently connects with Uranus, giving you a sense of freedom and hope. You’re putting your trust in the bigger picture, that everything will work out if you do something never-before-seen. As Pisces season begins, it’s time to get in touch with your goals and dreams for the future!


Gemini horoscope for February 14 – 20

Your planetary ruler Mercury enters fellow air sign Aquarius. The full moon illuminates your chart’s house of communication and commuting, which can bring important conversations to a head. This will show you the extent of your contracts; all cards are on the table and there don’t seem to be any aces in anyone’s pockets. Jupiter gently connects with Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, and you are able to understand the undercurrent that powers growth and direction. The sun moves into the fame and public reputation sector of your chart, shifting your focus to your legacy and career. This can be a time when you’re connecting with authority figures in your life, or even becoming one yourself!


Cancer horoscope for February 14 – 20

Action planet Mars meets with sweet Venus in your chart’s house of partnerships, giving you extra motivation to go after the things that you want in relationships! This full moon illuminates your chart’s axis of wealth and resources. This can be a time to practice gratitude for what you have, and to ask for what you need, especially in financial terms. The sun enters fellow water sign Pisces, leaving behind a dark and transformative month and bringing broader horizons. Some things changed and maybe left your life, but now it’s time to explore and see what else is out there—onward and upward!


Leo horoscope for February 14 – 20

Mercury, the planet of communication, enters your chart’s house of partnerships. It’s OK to repeat yourself; not everyone remembers your priorities quite like you do! There’s a full moon in your sign, Leo, which can find you on the receiving end of attention and care. Your role in relationships is emphasized. How do other people make you feel? This can be a monumental full moon, since it’s taking place halfway between two eclipses, which tend to mark life-changing events. Lucky Jupiter gently connects with Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, bringing you some surprise opportunities for financial growth. As Pisces season begins, prepare to deal with themes of transformation, intimacy, and merging! This can be a moment when boundaries between two individuals disappear and everything is pooled together.


Virgo horoscope for February 14 – 20

Your planetary ruler Mercury enters your chart’s house of routine, work, and health. The full moon in Leo illuminates a hidden sector of your chart, bringing up secrets and hidden details: You’re seeing things from a totally different perspective, or paying attention to things that have been put on the back burner for too long. Jupiter gently connects with Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, bringing surprise opportunities to branch out in your relationships. Your partners can take you places that you hadn’t even imagined! You have been working hard and diligently for the past month, and now the sun enters Pisces, changing the vibe. Your relationships get your full attention, and other people’s stories start to shape yours, too.


Libra horoscope for February 14 – 20

Action planet Mars meets with your planetary ruler Venus, bringing you extra willpower to go after what you want in the public eye. You’re not going to back down from public-facing projects, and are ready to put things down on your permanent record. Take time during this week’s full moon to reflect on your goals and wishes. Make an exhaustive list, even, of all of the things that you want to get out of life. There are people out there that want to see you win. Pisces season begins, activating the sector of your chart related to habits and routines, and you’re getting business sorted out before spring. You’re approaching your responsibilities with your eyes on the prize!

Scorpio horoscope for February 14 – 20

Mercury, the planet of communication, re-enters your chart’s house of home and family. Your determined planetary ruler Mars meets with sweet Venus in your chart’s communication sector, making it easy to express what you want. Actions speak louder than words, dear Scorpio, and don’t you know it! This week’s full moon illuminates your chart’s career and public reputation sector, putting your accomplishments in the spotlight. This can be a moment when a public project comes to completion. Jupiter, the planet of growth, gently connects with Uranus, bringing unexpected luck in your friendships and relationships. This is a wonderful opportunity to feel truly liberated in love! The sun enters fellow water sign Pisces, bringing your focus to the things that make you happy: love, sex, art. This can be a highly creative and social moment for you, little scorpion—enjoy!


Sagittarius horoscope for February 14 – 20

The full moon in Leo has you speaking your truth. You’re in full Sagittarius soapbox mode, so maybe double check your facts before spilling, or make sure you know exactly who you’re gossiping to before opening your mouth. It’s an intellectually invigorating moment that can bring the fruits of your knowledge to blossom. Your planetary ruler Jupiter gently connects with Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, bringing some unexpected luck to your home and work; miraculous implications for vitality and lifestyle! You’re resting up as Pisces season begins, calling your attention to your home and family life. This can be a time when your privacy and rest are your top priorities; making your home a beautiful destination can be something to focus on during the coming weeks.


Capricorn horoscope for February 14 – 20

Action planet Mars meets with sweet Venus in your sign, Capricorn, equipping you with the grace to chase dreams that are closest to your heart. This full moon is a financially-focused one that can have you paying off debts or even receiving some pretty cool gifts. Other people’s resources come into your hands. Pisces season begins, bringing your focus to your skills and areas of expertise. This is a time for you to dig deep into books, podcasts, texts, series, or classes that can bring more mesmerizing skill to your toolbox. Pisces season is also a time for you to connect with your siblings, neighbors, and childhood besties—go ahead and take a walk around the block to celebrate Pisces season!


Aquarius horoscope for February 14 – 20

Mercury enters your sign once again, blessing you with a sharp wit and the vocabulary to fully express concepts that were once too ethereal to nail down. You’re ready to speak up, Aquarius! The full moon in Leo highlights your relationships and the responsibilities you share with your partners. This is a time to recognize the energy exchange between two people, and to give back to friends and lovers who sustain your spirits! Pisces season begins, bringing your attention to how you think about money, which ironically has a spiritual bend to it. To an Aquarius, there is always going to be money, but the way that it is spent and the philosophy behind it is more important than the volume itself.


Pisces horoscope for February 14 – 20

The full moon illuminates your chart’s house of work and routine, bringing important job stuff to a climax. Things can finally feel finished…or maybe this is a time to account for everything you do in a day, and let go of some habits or commitments that no longer suit you. This is a great opportunity to go to the doctor and get stuff checked out if you’ve been putting it off. Your planetary ruler Jupiter gently connects with Uranus, the planet of rebellion, which can bring some unexpected luck your way. This is the moment to take a chance and make the first move! The sun enters your sign, Pisces, bringing you energy and peace as you celebrate another trip around the sun!

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