
Weekly Horoscope: November 14 – 20


On Monday, November 14, Mercury, the planet of communication, connects with secretive Pluto at 9:27 PM and covert information is being exchanged. Suspicions can be investigated. Also on Monday, the sun harmonizes with Neptune, the planet of beliefs, at 10:43 PM, inspiring a mystical, spiritual vibe.

On Tuesday, November 15, love planet Venus connects with optimistic Jupiter at 4:35 AM: It’s a lucky, juicy, and open-hearted aspect that happens about twice per year! Venus enters Sagittarius on Wednesday, November 16, at 1:08 AM. Venus in Sagittarius needs extra space to feel happy and free. Expect room to roam and explore beliefs about love. Also on Wednesday, Mercury harmonizes with Jupiter at 10:43 AM, giving us an ability to understand broader concepts. Forgiveness is easy.

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Mercury enters Sagittarius on Thursday, November 17, at 3:41 AM. Mercury in Sagittarius can easily forget the details or the numbers; this is helpful for understanding the grand scheme of things, but make sure you’re remembering your keys.

On Friday, November 18, the sun connects with Pluto at 4:38 PM, giving us insight into deeper mechanics. There’s an ability to see into the underworld, and to know how the sausage is made. Secrets can be shared and a villainous backstory can be understood.

Mars, still retrograde, squares off with dreamy Neptune at 10:43 AM on Saturday, November 19. Mars retrograde will square off with Neptune multiple times, which can bring up topics around one’s mission. Deeper issues concerning spirituality and ideologies can be probed. Ask for healing!

On Sunday, November 21, the sun harmonizes with Jupiter at 11:07 PM, a spiritual and transcendental aspect! There’s a boost in optimism. Feelings and visions are easily moved through with a sense of idealism and hope.

All times ET.

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Aries glyph

Aries: March 20, 2022 – April 19, 2022

Scorpio season has you tapped into juicy secrets! You might be ready to share some insider insights as Mercury and the sun connect with Pluto. You’re starting to feel more festive with Sagittarius season around the corner. Venus and Mercury enter Sagittarius, inspiring you to learn more about the world and connect with people far beyond your reach. You’re in the mood to branch out and expand your horizons through education or even relationships! Your planetary ruler Mars is retrograde, giving you more space to reflect on your motivation and simplify what you have energy for. You can be feeling more sensitive as Mars retrograde squares off with Neptune. Don’t wear yourself too thin!

Taurus glyphs

Taurus: April 19, 2022 – May 20, 2022

Intimacy deepens as you learn about others’ secrets or fears. Mercury and the sun connect with Pluto, giving you insight into each other’s shadows or secrets. You can see through mirages, or get lost in your own imagination as the sun harmonizes with Neptune, inspiring fantasies. You can be feeling optimistic about other people and the direction that your relationships are headed. Venus, Mercury, and the sun harmonize with Jupiter, and your partnerships align with your vision for the future. Things are changing as Venus and Mercury enter an area of your chart associated with transformation and sharing. Now that you know where you’re heading, it’s possible that some things have to end, or be released into someone else’s hands.

Gemini glyph

Gemini: May 20, 2022 – June 21, 2022

Business connections are made as Mercury and the sun connect with Pluto, giving you the opportunity to make connections with colleagues and financial stakeholders. You have an active imagination and an ability to fulfill any role that you choose as the sun harmonizes with dreamy Neptune. You can feel satisfied or content with your lifestyle and habits, accepting things for how they are as Venus, Mercury, and the sun harmonize with optimistic Jupiter. More fire and desire arrive as Venus and Mercury enter your chart’s relationships sector—you’re being asked to step up to the plate! There can be some questions about your role and accountability as Mars retrograde squares off with Neptune, which can find you questioning where you fit in. Shake it off!

Cancer glyph

Cancer: June 21, 2022 – July 22, 2022

You’re learning more about what you like, and why you like it! Scorpio season is a time for you to connect with the finer things in life, but now you’re looking more deeply at the meaning of pleasure. Mercury and the sun connect with Pluto, the planet of secrets, and you’re able to gain a deeper, more integral perspective on your desires and general libido. You might find that you’re able to share your secrets, or that you’re receptive to listening to other people share theirs! People trust you to deal with their dirty laundry, but you can always ask for help folding. You’re starting to move into new habits and lifestyles as Venus and Mercury enter your chart’s house of work and routine, putting you in the mood to use new stationery and planners.

Leo glyph

Leo: July 22, 2022 – August 22, 2022

Scorpio season is all about rest for Leo, although this year has been more eventful than usual, thanks to the eclipses! Your home life is highlighted. As Mercury and the sun connect with Pluto, you can be looking into your health and work situation, trying to find privacy and peace of mind despite obligations that can feel overpowering or outside of your control. The sun harmonizes with Neptune, helping you see a world beyond limitations. Limitlessness and faith are emphasized as Venus, Mercury, and the sun harmonize with Jupiter, inspiring faith. Friendships, pleasure, and happiness are around the corner: Venus and Mercury enter fellow fire sign Sagittarius, bringing your attention to the finer, more jolly things in life!

Virgo glyph

Virgo: August 22, 2022 – September 22, 2022

You’re getting to know yourself on a deeper level: Scorpio season connects you to your inner voice, and highlights your mental processes. As Mercury and the sun connect with Pluto, you’re able to see deeper into your desires. Friendships, relationships, and sexuality are analyzed through a magnifying glass. The sun harmonizes with Neptune and you’re understanding people beyond their acts or costumes, seeing past their roles and trendy clothes and into their hearts. Venus, Mercury, and the sun harmonize with Jupiter, and you’re moving forward in this chapter of relationships with hope for the future and faith in others. Venus and Mercury enter Sagittarius, which can put you in a more nostalgic mood as conversations about home pop up. You’re seeing how your relationships affect what you feel is your calling or life’s purpose as Mars retrograde squares off with Neptune.

Libra glyph

Libra: September 22, 2022 – October 23, 2022

Scorpio season asks you to take a deeper look at your relationship to money and the material world. Mercury and the sun connect with Pluto, which can bring you some hidden treasures or important hand-me-downs. You’re digging deep in the archives to find things that are valuable. Maybe you’re willing to trade or gift your possessions, and give them new life. Your planetary ruler Venus harmonizes with lucky Jupiter, which can find you feeling optimistic about the way that your effort and labor pay off. You know that your work never goes unnoticed, even if it’s a labor of love. You’re in a busier, chattier mood as Venus and Mercury enter Sagittarius. This connects you more to your inner voice and mental processes—journaling, podcasting, writing, and talk therapy are good ways to make use of this time. Or maybe you’re ready to pick up a new language!

Scorpio glyph

Scorpio: October 23, 2022 – November 22, 2022

Scorpio season is closing out with a beautiful rainbow. You’re able to see through it all with a magnifying glass as Mercury and the sun connect with Pluto, giving you insight to the core of the matter—it’s not simple, it’s all interlocking! You can forgive and forget as the sun harmonizes with Neptune. This is divine for being inspired creatively or romantically. You’re connecting with your friends and lovers on a spiritual level. Venus, Mercury, and the sun (all in Scorpio) harmonize with optimistic Jupiter, giving you a boost of freedom and hope. Gears shift as Venus and Mercury enter your chart’s financial sector, which could inspire you to pay bills or buy gifts. You can be confronting your hangups surrounding money and income as Mars retrograde squares off with Neptune.

Sagittarius glyph

Sagittarius: November 22, 2022 – December 21, 2022

Your intuition is stronger than usual, which is saying something. The sun harmonizes with Neptune, which can find you picking up on messages that you cannot explain! You’re in touch with life’s mysteries. Venus, Mercury, and the sun harmonize with your planetary ruler, Jupiter, and you’re able to move with the tide. Events outside of your control put you in the situation that you’re in, and you’re fully accepting of them, with hope that things will end up wherever they need to! That’s not to say you’re not emotional about it—there are watery eyes behind your cool sunglasses. You’ll quickly recover as Venus and Mercury enter your sign, giving you a boost in your ability to express yourself, and look beautiful while doing it! Your relationships are bringing up a lot of stories and beliefs inherited from your family and upbringing as Mars retrograde clashes with Neptune. You’re questioning and confronting any spells you’ve been under… maybe it’s time to take a hammer into the hall of mirrors!

Capricorn glyph

Capricorn: December 21, 2021 – January 19, 2022

Scorpio season can find you considering your goals, fixed on your vision for the future, but it also can ask you to think about your relationship to social media! Mercury and the sun connect with Pluto, which have you reading even more deeply into online politics, and politics in general. This is also a good time to introduce yourself to people in your community that can help you accomplish your goals. If there’s something that you believe in and want to fight for, this can be a time when you’re more outspoken, building bridges. You might also be looking deeper at your friendships and the role that you play in the collective. You could be in the mood to fly under the radar as Venus and Mercury enter an exclusive, secluded sector of your chart, encouraging you to spend some time alone or off the grid to rehabilitate and connect with something greater.

Aquarius glyphs

Aquarius: January 19, 2022 – February 18, 2022

Scorpio season draws you to your public role, who you are to the masses. You can gain deeper insight into how people perceive parts of you that you don’t normally pay attention to as Mercury and the sun connect with Pluto, the planet of secrets. This can show you ways that you’ve connected with others that aren’t so obvious at first glance. Maybe you’re looking into your digital footprint, too. Bolster your self-esteem with something that is constant and soulful as the sun harmonizes with Neptune, the planet of beliefs. You’re moving through the tides of emotions and giving yourself space to be yourself, to show up as the person that you want to be as Venus, Mercury, and the sun harmonize with Jupiter. This has positive implications for cash flow and funding, too! Venus and Mercury enter Sagittarius, which puts you more in the mood to focus on your goals and futuristic visions.

Pisces glyph

Pisces: February 18, 2022 – March 20, 2022

Scorpio season is a soulful and inspired time for you, Pisces, as you find yourself fitting into something much bigger than yourself. The sun harmonizes with Neptune, which can make it easy for you to feel connected to the bigger picture. This can be spiritual, or psychic! You’re in tune with what’s hidden behind the curtain. Venus, Mercury, and the sun all harmonize with your planetary ruler, Jupiter and there’s a sense of optimism, and that things will work out as long as you have faith. You can gain a better understanding of all perspectives—your negotiating skills are unmatched! Venus and Mercury enter your chart’s house of career, which will have you answering to the public (and looking good while you do it). Mars retrograde squares off with Neptune, which can challenge your ideas about your role in your family and home life.