
Welcome to VICE City Guides: An Editor’s Letter

Everyone has that one friend—the one you call when you’re heading to a new city. That friend knows where to find the most legit taco truck, where to score hard-to-find records, what clubs won’t turn you off with their pretentious velvet rope policies and the best bars to drink alone because the bartender’s stories will keep you entertained all night.

Quite a few of us at VICE are that friend. Collectively, we’ve spent countless hours on the road and call bureaus around the globe home. So one day it dawned on us: What if we put all our recommendations in one place?

Videos by VICE

And so VICE City Guides were born.

We begin with HQ’s backyard—New York City. I admit it’s not the easiest place to start. People love this city fiercely and everyone has an opinion on where to go. As such, you shouldn’t consider this a finite guide, but rather a better-looking version of the e-mail we send to friends visiting from out-of-town.

In addition to our personal recommendations, there’s some extra content we’re excited to share. We’ve partnered with Google to create a map that houses all our listings in one place. You can save the full list and take it on the go. Our interactive, No Cover Charge, follows THUMP writer Michelle Lhooq as she navigates the club and party scene. In our video series, Streets by VICE, Krishna Andavolu explores a city by tracing its history and evolution down a single street. Finally, we’ve compiled specific neighborhood recommendations from friends like Andrew W. K., Dave 1, Rachel Antonoff, and more.

In the coming months, we’ll be rolling out guides for Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami, Las Vegas, Austin, Atlanta, and San Francisco. Stay tuned and tell us what you think. You now know where to find us.

Fritzie Andrade
Editor-in-Chief, VICE Travel