
What Do Korean People Think Of PSY?

Last week PSY released a new song. It’s called “Gentleman” and it makes me feel sick. I guess that a bunch of people like it though, because it’s received something like 92 million views in less than a week.

That’s twenty million more views than Oasis’s “Wonderwall” has had in five years.

Videos by VICE

Aside from news reports and Seoul Olympics T-shirts they picked up at Beyond Retro, PSY is most people’s only avenue of Western insight into South Korea. But, what do Korean people think of him?

Are they psyched that he’s the most viewed artist on YouTube of all time? Is he a pop culture icon worthy of god-like status? Or is he a national embarrassment, reducing thousands of years of Korean cultural history to a stupid dance move? The Guardian claims Koreans are “agonising” over whether “Gentleman” will be a big hit or not. I called up a few Korean businesses to see if that’s true.


Who are they?

A supermarket that sells a wide selection of Korean food. They have shops across the country.

What do they think of Psy?

Noisey: Hiya, how does it feel to be part of the country that gave birth to the greatest pop star of all time?

Seoul Plaza: Okay, just one minute. [drops the phone]



He’s the best pop star ever, Psy. Do you know who he is?


What’s your opinion of him?

I don’t think he was that popular in my country, Korea. But now he’s much more popular than before.

Why wasn’t he popular before?

I don’t know. We just thought he was funny and not that serious about his music. But now he’s really really trying to be good with his music.

He is a bit of a try hard.

We love him.

He makes me feel a bit sick.


Have you ever bought his music?

Yeah, I bought his CD and his video.

Oh wow, you must really love him. CDs are dead. So, you love him so much you bought a physical representation of your feelings?


What does Gangnam Style mean?

It’s where the rich people live. He was born there. It’s kind of like he’s a Gentleman, you know?


It’s like he’s joking though. It’s like “I’m so rich and I’ve got so much money”

So, he’s a baller?


Okay, thank you. Have a nice day!


Who are they?

An airline that flies to and from Korea.

What do they think of Psy?

Noisey: Will Psy solve world peace?

Korean Air: Pardon?

Will Psy solve world peace?

Size of the luggage?

No, Psy. You know the guy? He’s been in a music video and it has had hundreds of millions of views.

I don’t understand.

He dances like a horse and it’s called “Gangnam Style”. Have you heard of it?


Has he ever flown with you guys?


Okay. But how does it feel to work for the airline of the country that gave birth to the greatest pop star of all time?

I’m sorry sir. If there’s a question regarding ticketing then I can assist you with that. But I’m unable to answer this question.

Okay. Can I listen to “Gangnam Style” while I’m talking about ticketing?

I’m sorry sir, I’m unable to answer that question.

[Hangs up]


Who are they?

A supermarket catering to New Malden’s 30,000 strong Korean community.

What do they think of Psy?

Noisey: Hi there, I’m calling from Noisey, I just wanted to ask your opinion on something. Is that okay?

Korea Foods: Noise?

Yep, Noisey! It’s a music website.

You’re from Noisey? Oh….

I just wanted to ask, how do you feel about Psy?

Oh, you want to know about the Psy?

Yes please.

He’s a great guy.

Oh, why’s he so great?

Because he’s famous and his attitude is very good.

Really? Some of his lyrics are pretty bad.

No, his attitude is good.

Have you heard the lyrics to his new song? I translated them earlier and they go: “gonna make you sweat, gonna make you wet, you know who I am, wet Psy”

That isn’t the only song, you know? The real attitude is good.

Fair enough. What’s going to happen to him in the future?

I think it’s going to go well in the future because he’s educated. Everything is fine and he’s reaching out.

What if he goes the way of Michael Jackson and gets strangled by success. Can you see that happening?

It might do, but I don’t think so. No.

Have you ever bought his music?

Nope. I live in England.

You can still buy it in England.

I downloaded it from the Internet.


Legally. I paid some money.

Good for you. Cya!


Who are they?

A London based organisation promoting travel to Korea.

What do they think of Psy?

Noisey: Can I get your opinion on something?

Korea Tourism: Yes, go on. And you are?

I’m Ryan.


I just wanted to know, what is your organisation’s opinion of Psy?

In what context?

In the context of, what is your opinion on him?

Well, we’re the Korean tourism organization, yeah.


And, we think he’s great! He’s provided some great music, some great dance moves and he’s helping to raise Korea’s profile around the world.

Has there been an increase in trips to Korea because of Psy?

We’ve had increases in arrivals to Korea every year over the last ten years. It’s very difficult to actually pinpoint any particular single cause as having driven the increase in arrivals. But, certainly, he’s generating a huge amount of increase in Korea.

Are people afraid to go to Korea because of nukes and stuff?

Do you want figures?

No, that’s okay.

We expect to see the number of arrivals drop off in the next couple of months. But the market will recover very quickly. It always does. We get something like this every year or so.

Could Psy be the one to bring business back?

Yeah, I think so. Psy’s actually being used in TV adverts promoting Korea.

He’s being used? Is he a puppet?

No no! He’s not a puppet. He’s doing it because he’s Korean and they’re very patriotic.

Have you ever listened to “Gangnam Style”?

Yeah, of course. Who hasn’t? You’d have to be deaf to have not heard it. I liked it at first.

But you don’t like it any more?

It’s like all music. You hear it. You get overdosed on it. You don’t hear it for a while and then when you hear it again you enjoy it again.

Okay, I’m gonna go now….


Who are they?

A London based service offering sensual massages.

What do they think of Psy?

Noisey: Hi, is that Korea Touch Massage?

Korea Touch: Uh huh, yeah.

I wanted to find out more about your service and have a few questions. Do Koreans love Psy as much as the rest of the world?

Do you mean my place, as well?

Yeah. Do you love Psy? The guy who does the Gangnam dance.

Ahhh, no. I mean, I do. But what do you want? A dance? For you?

Maybe. If they’re willing to do it while Psy’s new song plays.

No we can’t. My place is a massage place, we don’t do any other service. It’s very simple. We cannot do dances.


My place is a personal place. We cannot make noise.

Okay sure. Could someone read the lyrics to the song while I get a massage?


Have you heard them? They’re very relaxing to me. They go, “gonna make you sweat, gonna make you wet.” Could anyone say that to me?

No. No one could do this.

Do you not have an opinion on Psy?

We don’t do a dance thing. We just do massages.

Oh. Bye.

Follow Ryan on Twitter: @RyanBassil