
What Happened When I Went to a ‘Sacred Squirting’ Workshop

“Raise your hand if you’ve squirted before.”

Approximately fifty women are spread across the floor, sitting on the towels we were instructed to bring. Eight raise their hand. Our instructor Christine surveys us, nodding sagely.

We are in a hot, stuffy room in a community hall, at a workshop on the art of “Sacred Squirting.” There is an ancient relationship between women and water, according to the Taste of Love festival website, which promises a “ceremonial session” with the space to “explore our female nature, and release the emotions stored in the vagina.”

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The festival is held in Byron Bay, the Australian epicentre of all things New Age and accepting of credit cards. Christine is a Danish dancer, singer, songwriter, “spiritual midwife” and “light warrior” who lives in a yurt on the island of Mon in Denmark, so if anyone can teach curious women how to squirt, and how to do it spiritually, it is probably her.

Once we have settled in, Christine starts to talk in a soft voice about female ejaculation. We lean forward, straining to hear her squirting secrets. “Your g-spot is the gateway to your soul,” she says.

A woman raises her hand: “Is it water or urine that comes out?”

“It’s water from the large tissue surrounding the G-spot,” Christine replies. “Squirting is all about our interconnectedness and our sacred waters.”

Squirting, or female ejaculation, has been a point of intense curiosity throughout history. The topic was first broached in the West around 300 BC by Hippocrates and Aristotle, and features in fourth-century Taoist texts that outline the liquid’s mystical and healthful properties.

Enter the 19th century, however, and things get far less celebratory. “Richard von Krafft-Ebing—the first modern ‘sex doctor’—described female ejaculation as related almost exclusively to homosexuality in women,” Alex Dymock, a lecturer at Lancashire’s Edge Hill University, told VICE. “It was linked to fears of the degenerate, whose ‘weakness’ was owed to their sexual aberrance.”

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