
What it’s like to shame a Trump official at home

Progressive anger at President Trump is on the rise, resulting in increased voter turnout, protests, and Democratic coffers swelling with donations. And in D.C., administration officials are increasingly having to confront those public sentiments in their private spaces.

That’s because there’s also been a rise in “direct action” protests — actions that have seen Trump officials and top Republicans, including Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Stephen Miller, and Steve Bannon, confronted on the street, in restaurants, and even at home.

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Conservatives say these protests play directly into their hands as they try to convince 2018 voters that Democrats are too extreme to put back in power. And a lot of mainstream Democrats are pretty freaked out, shunning their allies who engage or support this kind of resistance to Trump.

But few people know what one of these direct actions are actually like.

On a recent Sunday, VICE News embedded with Metro D.C. Democratic Socialists of America as they carried out a protest outside the suburban Virginia home of Thomas Homan, the acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

This segment originally aired July 2, 2018 on VICE News Tonight on HBO.