Which Celebrity Do Tween Girls Love Most?

Tween girls are terrifying creatures. Besides being slaves to raging hormones that cause them to perpetrate horrifying acts of cruelty on their peers, they also dictate a large portion of the entertainment industry. Have you ever watched an 11-year-old girl have a meltdown in a store because her parents won’t buy her what she wants? Advertisers know all about it, which is why preteen girls are one of the most coveted demographics out there. They’re going to get their way, sooner or later. So we thought it might be fun to ask a few very young ladies about their favorite superstars.  

VICE: Who’s your favorite celeb?
Kaylie, 11: I like Selena Gomez.

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Besides her many talents, she has always been true to herself, and she seems really grateful for everything that has happened to her. When I went to her concert last year, she took a lot of time thanking everyone for being there and thanking Disney and Barney.

What’s your favorite song of hers?
I like all of them. My favorite is “We Own the Night.” It’s an upbeat type of song. 

VICE: Who would you say is the most talented celebrity out there today?
Madi, 12: My favorite celeb is Rihanna. I think she is the best role model! 

What do you like about her? 
I love her style, her hair, and especially her music. I have all her songs on my iPod, and I love her accent and how she grew up in Barbados. She inspires me so much! 

VICE: Of all the stars out there today, who is the best?  
Mckenna, 11: Taylor Swift. I like her music, and she’s a good role model. 

How so? 
She is honest and not afraid to be herself. A lot of celebrities could be role models, but for me it’s Taylor Swift. 

Which song do you like the best?
“Our Song.”

What is the coolest thing Taylor Swift has ever done?
When she wrote the song “Mean,” she told the story behind the song to magazines. I thought that was cool.

VICE: Which celebrity do you admire most?  
Kyah, 11: My favorite celebrity is Beyoncé.I like and look up to her because she is a true person who’s fought for what she wanted and has achieved it on so many levels. She is still doing so and inspiring young girls like myself around the world.

How do you think she got to where she is today? 
She decided at a young age what she wanted to do with her life and, with the help of her family, never gave up hope. 

VICE: Are you particularly smitten with any celebrities? 
April, 12: My favorite celebrity would be Justin Bieber because he has great talent and is cute and sings very well. And his hair is beautiful

What if Justin Bieber didn’t exist? Who would it be then?
Then I would probably have to… [sighs] Ummmm… I can’t think of anyone!

What about Selena Gomez? 
Ewww! No. I don’t like her ’cause she’s Justin Bieber’s girlfriend.